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Comment Re:[OT] A+ = F (Score 1) 293

Another hint... Even if you don't have a lot of experience, don't pad your resume. Don't say you are proficient in Microsoft Word unless you are applying for some kind of clerical job. And if you put something on your resume you better be able to back it up. It will be easy to tell when the interview happens. Even if you're good in all other aspects if you put down you know something and I find out your only experience is reading an article on it, you're out. I can't trust you.

Comment Selling computers (Score 4, Interesting) 288

This article is very true. At the time Encarta came out I was working for a company that sold PCs. We were located in an area where there were many affluent African American families. Not being raciest by any means, but typically all we had to do was bring up the article on Martin Luther King and start the "dream" speech video and they just had to have that for their kids. Encarta sold the computer.

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