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Comment Re:Glucose anyone? (Score 1) 1017

Oops, now I'm crossing up sucrose and fructose (the half of sucrose that causes the problem). Anyway, the "sugar" headline is misleading for the 90% who won't bother to read.

Comment Re:Glucose anyone? (Score 1) 1017

Modded up by people who didn't RTFA either. The toxin is sucrose, which makes up half of processed sugar and 55% of HFCS. It's metabolized by the liver rather than the cells. Glucose is not the problem.

Comment Re:The Simple Option (Score 1) 1032

A 50-50 mixture of wheat flour and plaster isn't any nicer (hardens in their guts and drives them crazy before it kills them), but it's environmentally benign and won't contribute to your untraceable cancer a few decades down the road. Just put little piles of it in the same places you'd put traps. Usually finishes them off in a few days.

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