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Journal Journal: Just had an idea... 1

Ok, so I was thinking about Apple ditching ADB and serial ports completely in favor of USB and Firewire, so I started thinking about the next thing to go.

Then, as I looked at my flatscreen iMac I had my epiphany. There's nothing about the interface of that computer you don't need. All that matters is the screen, the keyboard and (occasionally) the optical drive. Since you don't need the CD drive exposed constantly, you move the screen out of the way when you need to access it. Sweet idea.

Then it hit me: optical disk-drives will go. Think about this piece of tech:

Instead of placing a disk in the drive we'll have a small, flat box with a cheap, short-range wi-fi transmitter in it. It'll probably be completely solid state, not optical or magnetic. You take the thing within range of your computer and the computer automagically mounts the disk just like a CD. No more need for truly 'removable' media.

This is a far future thing (and how you power the drive is a problem) but I'm willing to be we'll see this in the next...10? 20?...years.



Journal Journal: The Perfect Song Lyric (CONTINUED!!!) 7

This is a continuation of the original discussion (found here) that has been archived. Check the link for current submissions. I'll be posting the best of what's been sent in so far this upcoming weekend. Doesn't mean the project's over, it's just good to have milestones. :)

The (edited) original post:

I need a little help with a paper I'm thinking of writing. The subject is the perfect song lyric.

This is the basic idea: there's lots of music out there. Lots of it sucks. Some of it's good. A small percentage of it is blow-you-away awsome. But sometimes a lyric hits you so hard, a gut-wrenching, purely visceral/emotional response it almost makes the whole song worth listening to just to get to that good bit, even if, without that lyrical punch, it's completely worthless. I'm not talking about a good lyric or a cute turn of phrase, I mean a lyric that instantly fires up your imagination, planting a picture of a scene so eloquently you're left out of breath.

I'm not asking for your favorite lyrics. I'm not asking for what a lyric means to you (it should be apparent in and of itself). I'm asking for a lyric that creates a scene, gives you backstory, tells you much much more than the words do by themselves, all in a few lines.

So please, reply here. Tell your friends. Just tell 'em to reply here with their choices. Be sure to include the artist, the song and the lyric. I'm planning to publish this if I get enough of these together, and you'll get credit where it's due (of course). :)

Thanks y'all.

United States

Journal Journal: Beer (and Thanksgiving)

Woo Hoo!

I'm goin' to Washington DC for thanksgiving. I REALLY need a vacation and my parents are kindly supplying one.

Anyone in the DC area wanna grab a beer this weekend? :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Synchronicity 3

Y'all know those cute little quotes that appear at the bottom of any /. page? The one listed right now is "You have a deep interest in all that is artistic." which happens to be the fortune I got with my chinese food last night.

Spooky. :)


Journal Journal: The Perfect Song Lyric 47

I need a little help with a paper I'm thinking of writing. The subject is the perfect song lyric.

This is the basic idea: there's lots of music out there. Lots of it sucks. Some of it's good. A small percentage of it is blow-you-away awsome. But sometimes a lyric hits you so hard, a gut-wrenching, purely visceral/emotional response it almost makes the whole song worth listening to just to get to that good bit, even if, without that lyrical punch, it's completely worthless. I'm not talking about a good lyric or a cute turn of phrase, I mean a lyric that instantly fires up your imagination, planting a picture of a scene so eloquently you're left out of breath.

I'm not asking for your favorite lyrics. I'm not asking for what a lyric means to you (it should be apparent in and of itself). I'm asking for a lyric that creates a scene, gives you backstory, tells you much much more than the words do by themselves, all in a few lines.

WARNING: THIS IS NOT EASY. I've been thinking about this for 6 months. I have, as of yet, thought of two.

#1: Don Henley, "The Boys of Summer"

"Out on the road today I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac.
A little voice inside my head said 'don't look back, you can never look back.'"


#2: Third Eye Blind, "Slow Motion"

"Miss Jones taught me English,
but I think I just shot her son."

It's worth noting that these aren't from my favorite bands. I actually pretty much despise "Third Eye Blind" and the rest of that song is absolutely terrible. It's a pity that the lyric is the first one heard in the song - I might listen to the rest of it just to hear it. That's the point, really.

So please, reply here. Tell your friends. Just tell 'em to reply here with their choices. Be sure to include the artist, the song and the lyric. I'm planning to publish this if I get enough of these together, and you'll get credit where it's due (of course). :)

Thanks y'all.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I love Thursdays

Arthur Dent might've hated Thursdays but I love 'em. My dad comes into the city and buys me lunch. GOOD lunch. I just had the flakiest, most delicious chicken pot pie and a killer salad. Not bad considering the poor man's lunch I get the other 4 days of my working week - Pretzels, Ginger ale and nicotine.

Our Thursdays remind me of how much he misses talking to me. I don't regret moving out, not one bit. It just throws things into a different light when his overwhelming DADness is across the Hudson save for this one day a week. Things and people don't look so...imperfect...when the contact's minimal. Can't see the blackheads from 12 miles away.

I'm stuffed. I want to take a nap, not move books around. :)


Journal Journal: I saw the weirdest thing yesterday 3

I saw the strangest advertising blitz I've ever experienced on 42nd street (NYC) yesterday. I was standing outside the main library's side door at lunchtime (I work there) when twenty-five people wearing purple bodysuits (velvet bodysuits) and little four-colored wings on rollerblades shot past me. They were carrying signs that said things like "I (heart) NY! I (heart) MSN8!" and trying to interest passersby. I didn't know Microsoft did that kind of marketing. I don't know what to think of it, honestly. Regardless of what I thought about it, as an advertising strategy it certainly worked - I remembered it, and I'm writing it here. Not that I'd ever use it, but still.

Weird. :)


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