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Comment Re:Cue the "Jobs is dying, Apple is doomed" storie (Score 1) 371

Lawyers and the SEC? I've heard nothing of lawyers or the SEC demanding information regarding the CEO's health.

The only people speculating and demanding disclosure are blowhard journalists and stock market manipulators. The basis for their "concern" is purely from an ignorant and amateur medical diagnosis based on pictures and video.

Hell, Senator Bill Frist was rightly admonished for performing a video diagnosis of Terri Shiavo and he has a medical school degree.

Why the hell should Apple's board respond to a bunch of chicken-little wankers in the tech and financial press?

Frankly, I admire Apple for not feeding the trolls.

Comment Re:Cue the "Jobs is dying, Apple is doomed" storie (Score 2, Insightful) 371

I can't say that I agree with you. The "large part" of the blame lies with sensationalist journalists and stock price manipulators.

Name one other company where people demand they to go on record regarding the health of the CEO when some band of journalists decides to perform an amateur medical diagnosis based on photographs and videos.

Senator Bill Frist was rightly admonished for performing a "video diagnosis" of Terri Schiavo...and he has a medical school degree. Why should Apple respond when a bunch of blowhards with no medical training whatsoever do the same thing with Steve Jobs?

The board is required to divulge information about his health if it affects his ability to do his job. They are under no obligation to respond to nutjobs and market makers.

Comment Cue the "Jobs is dying, Apple is doomed" stories.. (Score 4, Insightful) 371

...and watch the stock crater tomorrow.

Unfortunately, ever since Jobs lost significant weight as a result of his surgery (an obligatory side effect for the type of surgery he had), MacWorld keynotes have become a "Steve Jobs Death Watch" for the press. Before, during and after the keynote, more ink is spent on speculations regarding his health than the product announcements.

I think one side benefit of Apple's abandoning MacWorld is the press can no longer turn it into a morbid event.


Rocketman Crosses Colorado Gorge 71

nandemoari writes "Remember the 1991 film, 'The Rocketeer,' where a young pilot uses a jetpack prototype to become a masked vigilante and win the heart of Jennifer Connelly? That scenario isn't as far-fetched as it once was, given that an American stuntman recently used a jetpack to soar over Colorado's Royal Gorge. The stuntman in question is one Eric Scott, who recently appeared on CBS' Early Show and a variety of local cable channels after making his daring leap. Scott has been testing jetpack devices for 16 years, and was confident that he wouldn't plummet to his untimely death when he straddled the Gorge above the Arkansas River earlier this week. Despite an enormous gulf between the two sides — 1,500 feet across and 1,000 feet down — Scott made the trip safely."

Submission + - Departing AT&T chief vows to end net neutralit

calstraycat writes: In a farewell address to executives, AT&T chief Ed Whitacre called for the end of net neutrality. 'There’s a problem. It’s called Net Neutrality,' Whitacre told the heirs to AT&T’s telecommunications empire. 'Well, frankly, we say to hell with that. We’re gonna put up some toll booths and start charging admission.' If that were not scary enough, his confidence that congress will bow to his wishes is downright frightening: 'Will Congress let us do it?' Whitacre asks his colleagues. 'You bet they will — cuz we don’t call it cashin’ in. We call it 'deregulation'.'

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