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Comment Re:And yet... (Score 1) 2987

To put things into perspective: over the last twenty years, there have been fewer than 200 fatalities in school shootings (including colleges and universities) in the United States. By way of comparison, during that period in the US there have been about 1000 deaths due to lightning strikes, 25 due to (unprovoked) shark attacks, 3000 due to international terrorism, and 200 due to domestic terrorism. So we really ought to be more concerned about lightning and box cutters than about handguns.

Don't forget televisions. More than 2000 children have died since 2000 from falling televisions: http://theweek.com/article/index/237878/the-shocking-number-of-deaths-caused-by-falling-tvs

Comment Re:Blame the victim much (Score 1) 848

Shooting someone who is on top of you, beating your head into the ground, would likely result in getting some of that person's blood on you, don't you think?Shooting someone who is on top of you, beating your head into the ground, would likely result in getting some of that person's blood on you, don't you think?

As a paramedic of 16 years who has seen more that a few real gun shot wounds, I can say you don't even get bleeding sometimes. And sometimes you still only might get a trickle of blood. That could have easily been absorbed by clothing.

And with today's 9mm jacketed hollowpoitn ammunition, you won't even get an exit wound. The bullet enters leaving a small hole and then begins to expand as it encounters soft tissue, organs and bone thus dumping its kinetic energy within the body.

So it's entirely plausible that Zimmerman walkd away from the shooting withou as much as 1 drop of Martin's blood on him.

Comment Re:zimmerman is innocent (Score 1) 848

Zimmerman was told to de-escalate the situation by the 911 operator by staying in his vehicle and instead he decided to escalate. That's murder.

The dispatcher told Zimmerman that they don't need him to follow Martin after he got out of his car. Zimmerman then said he was on his way back to the car. A suggestion or an order from a dispatcher is not the same as an order from a police officer. Even Sanford PD admitted as much. Zimmerman's claim has always been that he only got out of the car to give the dispatcher the best information on the location of Martin.

You think Zimmerman was acting in a predatory fashion while he was actively on the phone with the police?? Did you listen to the tapes? Won't you at least give the man the benefit of the doubt and let the evidence come out for the jury to hear?

Comment Re:Blame the victim much (Score 1) 848

But the jury isn't being asked to decide whether an "assault with a deadly weapon" has occurred. They're being asked to decide whether or not the killing of Trayvon Martin was an act of self defense (and thus unfortunate, but legal under Florida law), or an act of 2nd degree murder (and thus illegal, and carrying with it a stiff prison sentence).

An act of self defense is an affirmative defense. You say to the jury, "Yes, I shot this person. But this why..." Self defense is legal in all the states of the Union. Why would it be unfortunate? People seem to think that Florida is somehow special in that you can shoot with impunity even if you just "feel" the least bit threatened. NOT TRUE.

Take New York State, for example. NYS (where I live) has no stand your ground law. The relevant statute says you have a duty to retreat when in public. BUT, it doesn't apply if you can't do so safely, e.g., I have a toddler with me, doing so would mean running into an active highway, I'm in a wheelchair, I'm wearing a cast on an appendage, etc.

In Florida, you have no duty to retreat if you are in a public place where you have every right to be. But all the other other legal standards for acting in self defense still apply. That is, was I the initial aggressor in the confrontation? Did the attacker have the ability to attack? Did he have the opportunity? Was he placing me in jeopardy? Read here: http://www.useofforce.us/3aojp/

Since all we have is one side of the story, past patterns of behavior on the part of Martin & Zimmerman may be very relevant in assessing the evidence. *IF* Martin has a history of breaking into houses, getting into fights, etc. etc., then it makes Zimmerman's story - that he was standing there when Martin approached him and assaulted him - somewhat more believable. If Martin is shown to be the poster boy for good kids everywhere, then it makes it far less believable. Just as past patterns of behavior on Zimmerman's part are relevant - does he have a history of racism? does he have a history of assault? does he have a history of waving his gun around like a maniac? All of these things would make his story LESS believable.

It's all relevant, because there simply aren't many facts beyond "deceased young black male, shot at close range" and the defendant's claim that "I was jumped, and acted in self defense." What a jury is being asked to decide is - is Zimmerman's story reasonable?

Not only that, but the legal standard would be: what would a reasonable person do at that time under those conditions knowing what the accused knew?

Comment Re:Blame the victim much (Score 5, Interesting) 848

Even if the kid was bragging about breaking into houses, and even if Zimmerman was aware that Martin broke into houses, that doesn't clear Zimmerman: A citizen with evidence of somebody else's criminal behavior that isn't in immediate danger is supposed to notify the police, not shoot the alleged criminal.

What I'm assuming they're claiming they're after is evidence that Martin was a violent person who was likely to have responded to Zimmerman by assaulting him.

Zimmerman has always articulated from day one that he shot to stop the active attack. That he only got out of his car to give the relevant information to the 911 dispatcher of Martin's whereabouts. That Martin came back to confront ZImmerman, threw a punch and continued to beat him while he was supine on the ground. Being on the ground with an attacker actively slamming your head into the concrete pavement is reason enough for using deadly force to stop and attack.

Zimmerman has never said that he shot Martin for looking suspicious. The media has latched onto speculation --as if it were fact-- that ZImmerman merely shot someone for walking around. The media has put forth the accusation that Stand Your Ground laws allow for this to happen legally when nothing could be further from the truth.

P.S. Guess which state was the first to enact a Stand Your Ground Law? California. Yes. Hardly the red state bastion of the NRA.

Here's a very informative video about what Stan Your Ground laws are really about: http://www.cato.org/multimedia/events/stand-ground-laws-self-defense-or-license-kill

Comment Re:gun safe? (Score 1) 646

A pistol is not the right tool for this job.

You want an SKS or if you have more money a Mini-30. Coyotes are small enough that even cheap FMJs are quite effective.

But.. but.. but.. the gun control people and even Obama say that no hunter needs a AR-15 or "AK-47"! Those are "battlefield" weapons! Those "evil black rifles" don't have any place in a "civilized" society!

Comment Re:how 'bout some gun control... (Score 1) 1706

Just like and armed churchgoer stopped this attack

It wasn't an "armed churchgoer" as you misleadingly state. It was an off-duty police officer, trained in the use of lethal force.

When you start with untrained use of lethal force you get George Zimmerman shooting at Trayvon Martin.

I didn't mislead in any shape or form. An off duty cop is essentially the same as a private citizen with a firarm. No uniform to distinguish him from on duy bretheren; no radio to call for back up or give a description. Concealed carry permit holders can get training in lethal force tactics just like the police can.

But fine, I'll play by your rules. You wan't another example? Here: http://www.goupstate.com/article/20120325/ARTICLES/120329781 Another church incident, another private citizen stopping an attacker armed with a shotgun.

Here's the Huff Po version, sanitzed of any mention of a concealed carry permit holder stoppping the attack: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/25/south-caroline-church-ser_n_1378752.html He was magically "disarmed",

Comment Re:Maybe same old 'leave your guns at entrance' ru (Score 3, Interesting) 1706

Umm... Would the name calling gentleman be so kind as to explain, why incidents like this are very rare in countries which do not provide ready access to guns to the general public?

Anders Breivik got all his guns and explosives ingedients legally: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik These shootings abroad --in both countries that do and don't have easy access to guns-- are becoming more common. Maybe it's a refelction on society and not access to inanimate objects?

Also, where I live in New York City, that is, we still have very strict gun control and that hasn't done one thing for the massive spike of shotting recently.

Comment Re:Maybe same old 'leave your guns at entrance' ru (Score 2, Interesting) 1706

Yes, you are correct. Because ordinary people with guns won't know how to react in the presence of criminals with guns and innocent bystanders will get maimed and shot by bullets flying everywhere.

We can't possibly have, say, a 63 year old, getting off 4 shots in under 3 seconds --all of which hit both criminals-- in a crowded internat cafe: http://www.myfoxorlando.com/story/19035444/customer-shoots-suspects-during-internet-cafe-robbery

Nope. We will quickly forget the aforementioned incident becuase innocent lives we *not* lost. But gun control advocates will dance in the blood of the victims of the Colorado shooting in an effort to cram more useless gun control down our throats.

Nope. We can't train ordinary people simple tactics and gun safety.

Comment Re:how 'bout some gun control... (Score 4, Informative) 1706

It would of been better if everyone in the audience was armed. There would of been no shooting then... right?

Yes, you are right. Just like and armed churchgoer stopped this attck before anyone got killed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sKQl-Qp5W0 And yes, it was in Colorado as well.

It's too bad the majority of people have been brainwashed over the last 30 years to think that they should never take any active role in defending themselves.

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