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Comment been said before (Score 1) 389

although traditional watches may take a hit over the coming years, digital watches caused a stir, but analog mechanical watches still survive. The Swiss can't hold onto the market forever, and I think they lost it years ago. As for the Apple watch, daily recharge? cmon people, you can do better.

Comment Re:Ten comments in and the shills are here (Score 1) 129

Are you saying that no one should collect data? ES has gone past the exposure of local collection and into a world which he judges is wrong but is a realistic function of government bodies, what is next? Can't read foreign newspapers or listen to local radios. As for the shill label, if that's your only comeback, you haven't given this whole issue much thought.

Submission + - Games Workshop at 40: How They Brought D&D to Britain (

An anonymous reader writes: Following on the fortieth anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons last year, another formative influence on modern gaming is celebrating its fortieth birthday: Games Workshop. Playing at the World covers the story of how the founders, Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson (not the other Steve Jackson), started out as subscribers to the 1960s British gaming zine Albion playing Diplomacy by mail and (in Ian's case) publishing silly cartoons. When Albion folded at the beginning of 1975, Livingstone and Jackson formed Games Workshop with its own zine Owl & Weasel as a way to bring "progressive games" (as in "progressive rock") to the UK. Shortly thereafter, when they discovered Dungeons & Dragons, fantasy and role-playing games became their focus. After Owl & Weasel grew up into White Dwarf in 1977, its famous "Fiend Factory" column ended up populating the D&D Fiend Folio . And in the 1980s, of course, they brought us Warhammer and their retail stories brought stylish miniatures to many a needful gamer. Happy birthday to Games Workshop!

Comment Same boat different paddle (Score 1) 698

I also have cancer, leave those behind in as good a financial position as you can, point out the need to balance geek with old fashioned fun like sports or crafts, tell them not to sweat over the small stuff in life. Talk about you not being around and any plans that you are making, don't hide the fact that are going the die, sorry for being blunt, but that's the way that I have done it. Also, don't rely on technology, put stuff in a book that can be read any one at any future time, your grandkids will want to know about you too. Good luck mate.

Submission + - Google and Mattel pull the View-Master into virtual reality (

mpicpp writes: Mattel’s new View-Master, which launched on Friday, will debut this fall for $29.99. The View-Master uses Google's virtual reality cardboard technology and it works with various smartphones; users must slide in their mobile device, and pair it with a corresponding app.

When it launches, kids will be able to explore various 3D scenes, including the streets of Paris and Alcatraz Island in the San Francisco Bay and the solar system. While some scenes like the Golden Gate Bridge include actual images from the area, others like the dinosaur and solar system scene are enhanced with CGI technology to show, for example, what it's like to fly through the galaxy. There's also the option of buying additional reels (four for $15) for other immersive experiences.

Mattel added that the technology is safe for kids ages 7 and up, and shouldn't cause dizziness, as it often does with some virtual reality headsets on the market. It should be noted, however, that after a few minutes of testing I started to feel queasy myself. The company said the View-Master should only be used for a short period of time, and that it is conducting more testing.

Although the View-Master started off as a toy 75 years ago, it's also been used for other purposes throughout history — long before 3D technology was even in the mainstream. For example, Wadleigh said the View-Master was used during World War II to spot enemy aircraft before U.S. soldiers got onto a plane. The medical industry also used it to understand the intricacies of the body before people underwent surgery.

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