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Comment Re:The benefit of Science (Score 1) 398

Unfortunately nutrition advice is a lot more pseudo-science that science.

Like "low fat": eating less fat should make you less fat - that much seems obvious. But there was never any scientific evidence for it, and now we found that actually low fat products tend to make you fatter. It even makes some kind of sense, if you understand how the metabolism works.

Peanuts are very much the same, I think. Yes, eating peanuts can cause an allergic reaction, but not eating peanuts can cause allergies to develop. Finding the best possible action takes time, large studies and a serious amount of statistics.

Personally I tend to ignore most of the nutrition advice out there. There is some good science out there: for example there are clearly bad substances that should be avoided, and an excess of sugar can cause all kinds of health issues. But a lot of the more sensational statements of the form "x is good for you" or "y is bad for you" are just made up.

Comment V8 Rumble (Score 1) 823

I would be a lot sadder, but for the fact that all that V8 rumble is just the result of an unbalanced engine with a cross plane crankshaft.

Well designed engines produce a lot less noise, and they have to.

So if you want to have the sound of a bad engine without the side effects, playback seems like a logical option. And yes, pretty much everybody is messing with the sound.

Comment Re:Not a priority (Score 1) 56

> Stopping malware is not a priority for advertising companies.

> The priority is to do whatever they can to help advertisers, because advertisers give them money.

Yes, but there is a gap between the two statements. How about:

The priority is to do whatever they can to help malware (while only appearing incompetent and not actually evil), because malware spreaders are giving them money.

All I am saying that this is a very slippery slope. Google is most certainly helping to spread malware, and they are probably making money from it. And they could do more to avoid it if they wanted to...

Comment Don't do evil (Score 4, Interesting) 56

unless it is profitable.

Google standards have certainly slipped. You would expect them to prevent this at all cost, and to have a system in place that prevents it from happening. But unfortunately the very opposite is happening: unruly ads are becoming more and more common, and Google doing very little to prevent it.

Comment About time (Score 2) 162

In Google Voice it was free to call US numbers, but only while you were in the US. From abroad, you still had to pay for US calls. Google Voice had a lot of potential, but it never quite realised it. I hope this works better .

What I would like to know if there is some "call in" feature, too? Maybe not a phone number, but a way to call and then be connected to Google Hangouts.

Comment No surprise, but a bad idea (Score 4, Informative) 97

Mushrooms used to be grown on horse manure, and I doubt they are very "selective". So this is no surprise.

However, it is well known to be a bad idea. You do not grow food for human consumption on human feces, because the risk of contamination is too high. Horse manure is ok, as is growing animal fodder on human feces.

And there are better schemes to get rid of old diapers - since they are rich in high quality cellulose that can be used after a good clean.

Comment Re:ITT... (Score 1) 312

It is a bit borderline, but I don't think it is illegal. The difference is that car pooling is not for profit. Even if you are nice and pay for it, it is typically just a contribution to the cost.

Comment Re:ITT... (Score 1) 312

Actually in Germany the insurance *will* cover any damages, but it may try to recover the payment from the driver. Which seems perfectly reasonable to me. Of course drivers should pick the right insurance, just like I pay a bit extra to be able to use my car for normal business travel (not transportation).

Comment Re: microsofties here is your chance to party (Score 1) 98

The first part is also pragmatic. Releasing a security fix is a lot of work, not just for the developers, but also for everybody else. So you only do that if you have reasonable suspicion that the bug is a security risk. They were good reasons to believe that it is not the case here, although in the end they did not apply in every situation.

If you treat every bug as a security issue, you end up with the Google situation where only one version, the latest, is ever supported. And for libc that is not an acceptable option.

Comment Re:Poll idea (Score 1) 106

I had some pre-1.0 versions, but no internet connection. The first version I really used was 1.0.8 -nli one via the university 128kBit link. Luckily that got better soon afterwards.

And later I was really excited about KDE 1.0. I think it had many good ideas and was quite nice to use, if a bit RAM hungry. Unfortunately many of those nice ideas got removed in KDE 2.0 :-(

Comment Re:Yay! I can lose my data cheaply now! (Score 4, Insightful) 183

>All hardware is prone to not coming back up after the power was cut (or turned off in the case of a laptop I have), SSD is not special in this.

But OCZ SSDs were. The failure of OCZ drives doubled the industry average failure rate, that is how bad they were. Returns were in the double digit percents.

And still I hear your statement that this could happen to any company. Which is true. But OCZ ignored the problem and pretended it did not exist, instead of showing a bit of generosity towards the (rightly) disappointed customers. This I will not forget, and like me many others.

Comment Re:I think this means (Score 1) 255

Consider that we are only realizing this now though, years later. Lack of information was a huge problem at the time.

Yes, but that is a well known problem. In every core meltdown, lack of information has been a serious issue. Guess why? Because the sensors melt, too. An expert may be able to guess what is going on, but it is beyond the skill of a typical operator.

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