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Comment Re:Universal App APIs are too limited (Score 1) 186

Maybe that is the problem, or maybe the Skype group has been sabotaging the modern style ("metro") Skype app. I thought it was simple, but perfectly usable, except for one problem: you could not log into a different account. Not at all. You can only ever log into one account: the one you are logged into the desktop with.

That is just silly - most people will have at least a private and a professional account. And asking your admin at work to get your private account setup on the PC is just plain silly.

Comment Re:Password updating (Score 1) 150

Actually, the basic argument is flawed.

Brute force password cracking is a guessing exercise. So a password can be cracked in 25 years - that sounds not too bad, right?

But actually there is 4% chance the password can be cracked within 1 year, a 1% chance it can be cracked in 3 months, a 0.03% chance it can be cracked in a day.

And these probabilities are the same whether you change your password or not!

So you need a better mitigation against password cracking. Not losing your hashes would be a good start, limiting retries is another, monitoring activity a third.

Comment Re:What I don't understand (Score 1) 393

Unfortunately the railway industry has quite a strange mindset, and is heavily opposed to any kind of innovation. Often this is hiding behind a veil of safety concerns: a new technology will not be adopted unless it can be shown to be perfect. And of course new technology is never perfect, even if it is a lot better than existing solutions.

PTC is a great example of a system at huge expense with rather small benefits. Should it have been adopted? Probably yes - the rest of the world did similar things decades ago. Is it worth adopting now in the age of GPS, geodata and connectivity? Maybe not.

Comment Re:Enterprise Turnover? (Score 0) 199

> Yeah, I can't wait for Windows to change the print subsystem in an update that causes my excessively complex multifunction printer driver suite to put my computer into a reboot loop.

I think Microsoft is on top of that now. With both data collection and a restore function, Windows will just set up again from an installation image, and advise the user that the printer is no longer support (or only in basic mode). The blame goes where it belongs, and the consumer will buy a new printer. Hopefully not from the same manufacturer...

Comment Re:Why do companies keep thinking people *want* th (Score 1) 125

I do. I want an app to work on different form factors - phone, tablet, laptop, desktop. I want the same app, but suitably displayed on each device. Of course this only applies to lightweight apps, are maybe games.

Heavyweight apps will remain on the desktop, but that's not what this is about. This is about a new API, and additional API. And that should be different from what we have today.

Comment Re:What about the law (Score 4, Informative) 114

> This stuff is perfectly legal to own in the blocked areas. The content owners just want to make sure someone viewing their content in Germany must pay the German price for it, instead of say the French price.

Yes, there are two parts to it. The article says that content once bought should be available in the whole of the EU. So far, if you are on holiday in France, you can't use your existing streaming account, Kindle downloads or MP3s. Clearly that is wrong, because nobody would buy content again just for a holiday (apart from the fact that you would need a credit card registered at a local address).

The problem of separate markets is a different one. It is also on the European agenda, but the issue will be much more contentious. But that is not a geoblocking issue.

Comment Re:Linux fans will always hate Ubuntu now (Score 1) 300

I completely agree. Nobody seems to work as a team any more, and at the slightest notion of disagreement things get forked. How many distros do we have now, certainly more than 10 important ones? How many do we need? Most people just want one, and then maybe a bit of choice, but most distros already provide more than enough choice within them.

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