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Comment Not all CS is the same! (Score 1) 349

My employer is always having problems finding new staff. We're expanding and its hard to get the right calibre of people to fill those vacancies. The problem is that your regular run of the mill computer science grad doesn't necessarily have the right expertise or knowledge for us. So if you've graduated and can write VB, .NET or create and manipulate databases great. But you've got nothing we need. And that's the thing. Computer Science is such a vast area of knowledge now that a CS degree isn't enough. Every Tom, Dick or Harriet has one in the industry. More importantly so do the far eastern equivalents. You need to differentiate yourself from the crowd and make yourself indispensable.

Comment Here in the UK ... (Score 1) 195

... we don't have the Google G1 app at all! So I have a choice of the poor iPhone app or nothing. I own both an iPhone 3G and a Google G1 on T-Mobile UK. And I hate to say that at least I get everything on the iPhone that my US cousins get. T-Mobile UK have crippled the G1. Also, on the whole, the iPhone lasts far longer on battery than the G1 does.

Comment Re:Proper Old Skool (Score 1) 220

a) I have, in fact danced at slimes, sunday night laughtons, friday night laughtons and infest. I used to be mopey mopey hand stapled to forehead and still am on occasion but I'm not averse to a little dayglow and glowsticks when the mood requires.

b) I rode a Z750 to April Whitby.

c) A babe?? Some may think so.

d) Female. Check

e) Yup. Check.


Comment Re:Their value system is out of whack (Score 1) 122

The issue is this. During the war if you were seen to be 'avoiding' the front lines or fighting for your country you had a very very rough time of it. War was hell for those who apparently were not doing their duty for the country. This is from everyone. You were a pariah in your communities. You were picked on by the local authorities (police, etc).

So imagine how you felt if you knew you were working hard for Britain in the war but you couldn't tell anyone. Not only are you not being recognised you're getting all the shit from the rest of your society over it too. It was not nice for them. I know I'd bloody be bitter.

Comment Re:whats the crime in hate crime? (Score 1) 778

In this case the crime is "Incitement to racial hatred". You can say "I hate Pakistanis" (I don't actually). You can even publish it (hence the BNP). What you can't say is "I hate Pakistanis and we should kill/maim whatever any we find.". When proposing violence is involved it turns from mere through to "Incitement to racial hatred" which is illegal in the UK.

Comment Re:That's odd... (Score 2, Informative) 432

Firstly that book is not 2000 years old. Its about 1600 years old.

Secondly its *only* 1600 years old. Some concepts of basic British law do predate Christianity. And then the basic concepts of freedom which were first enshrined in the Magna Carta were there *despite* the Christian King of the time.

Thirdly that book tells us that blind people and other disabled people will not go to heaven, its wrong to eat shellfish, you can stone bald people, and more importantly is the main cause for bigotry against me. For everything good in there there's a conflicting bit of madness. On the whole the general teachings of the Jesus character are good but you need to throw away the whole of the old testament and St Pauls letters to the Corinthians since he was a born again rabbid nutter. Oh yes get rid of the Book of Revelations, surely that's mushroom inspired!

But basically yes it does teach

- Personal responsibility
- Treating others with love and respect
- Not being a greedy selfish twit.

But also that you should be a complete arse to anyone who's gay or transgendered, oh yes, and put women in their places. So I'm screwed on three counts. The are plenty of other religions that teach the good bits without the fuckwittery.

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