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Journal Journal: Sometimes I wish I were a Swedish teen lesbian... 2

Well my brother is coming home for Xmas, which is great news because I got to give him a list of stuff to bring me back from Japan, like expensive go stones, Kirby Advance and any Chobits manga that have come out since I was last in Japan. (It doesn't look like Final Fantasy Tactics Advance will be out before he comes back).

Now that I have been to the dentists and had the first stage of the root canal done on my tooth, the pain from it has been much less, which allows me to concentrate on watching obscure (ish) foreign films.

One film I particularly recommend is a Swedish one called "Fucking Amal". No, really, and it's not *that* type of Swedish film.

Basically it's about a couple of 16 year old lesbians. No, really, it really really isn't a porno- it's got acting and a plot and everything.

The two anti-heroines are realistically drawn (i.e. thoroughly dislikeable), and the script seems realistic (from my past life as a teenage Swedish lesbian).

Anyway, I recommend it.

I don't know whether I like foreign films:

a) because it gives me an insight into another culture

b) because non-familiarity with the language covers up bad acting and cheesiness of dialogue to a certain extent

c) because the films exported from a country are the best ones

d) because they feature teenaged lesbians

Oh well, until next time, my huge hoard of admirers-



User Journal

Journal Journal: My brother goes to Japan- Obtained item: "GameCube" !

My brother has gone to work in Tokyo. Just like that- up and off. He'll be working at "Teaching English as a Foreign Language" of course, as most people do.

Anyway, I'll probably never see him ever again as he gets sucked into a shady world of J-Chix, J-Mex (Mechs), maybe even J-Sex! (J-Sex is like when you go to "do it" with some lucky J-Chik and find that you can't see the action area as it is pixellated out. (But seriously, do you think young Japanese men get laid for the first time and go like "Jesus! Look at the resolution on that pussy!" ?)).

Well, my brother was travelling light so he decided to sell or give away most of his stuff, which will probably backfire on him when he comes limping home, out of money in a few months, but anyway... I became the lucky recipient of his gamecube with Resident Evil and Mario Sunshine.

I have been trying to play RE on "hard" and it's too damn hard. I ran out of bullets constantly- obviously the hard setting is harder than previous RE versions where you didn't have to run round zombies to conserve ammo. Usually it was the case that the easy setting gave you an awesome weapon right from the start and loads of ammo.

Also, yes, the character graphics are good, but they contrast way sharply with the backgrounds, which are pre-rendered, so often it looks as if you are walking around some dodgy painted backdrop.

Mario Sunshine is hard too, in a different sort of way, but then the Mario games have always had these childish cute graphics and rock-hard gameplay.

As soon as I met my evil counterpart, "The Anti-Mario" I thought I was going to walk slowly up to him with my gun drawn and deliver a really bad voice-over speech before blowing his head off. Heh, too much R. Evil.

I also have a really bad cold at the moment, and toothache. The toothache was caused by going to the dentist and having some fillings done (it didn't hurt before going....moan moan). The cold is probably really the T-Virus and I will turn into a zombie process, or sumthing.

Anyway- until the next journal entry-



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