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Comment Re:The dilema ... (Score 0) 427

The NSA keeps other nations' spy agencies in check, so if you want them destroyed, then the NSA therefore must be beneficial.

That doesn't make any sense. I haven't actually said I believe that the corrupt piece of trash known as the NSA keeps other spying agencies in check, and you haven't explained how destroying them means they're beneficial. More than likely, they work with other countries to violate everyone's freedoms.

The NSA has clearly shown itself to be untrustworthy.

Comment Re:The dilema ... (Score 0) 427

If you want the NSA to be destroyed, then, by extension, you must wish for every other national espionage systems to also be destroyed simultaneously.

Yeah, but I can't even vote in other countries, so good luck with that.

The poster you replied to is correct -- you don't care so much about the NSA, you care about the NSA potentially spying on you while gladly reaping the benefits of the NSA spying on other people for you.

I don't gladly reap any benefits; I want the NSA destroyed. It must be nice to pretend that I love the NSA and believe it's beneficial in your delusions, but please try to remain in reality and not tell other people what they believe.

Comment Re:That is their job. (Score 0) 427

1. They were hired by congress to do this job.

Irrelevant. That still doesn't make it moral.

2. Everyone else does it justifies pretty much all military and defense activities and must justify such actions.

So you're going to justify the "everyone else does it" argument by saying that everyone else does it? Okay.

do you feel a need to have some sort of defense against me? Precisely.

Don't answer questions for me. Nothing logically flows from this flawed example. We're spying on countries that pose us no direct threat, and you warmongers can't stand the fact that some people realize that the government thugs doing this need to be put in their place.

Comment Re:The dilema ... (Score 0) 427

Yes they should. That's what we pay them for.

Then let's stop paying the worthless freedom-violating pieces of trash. Bottom line is, we don't need worthless warmongers spying on random countries for no moral reason, which is what's happening now.

I care about US citizens, and I care about non-US citizens. The fact that some people think it's okay to violate the privacy of people in other countries for no other reason than because they're not citizens of our country is absurd; much of the time, we have no reason to spy to begin with.

Comment Re:The dilema ... (Score 0) 427

It sucks but thats how the world is.

We get molested at airports for trying to get on a plane. It sucks but thats how the world is.
We get spied on even though the government doesn't have any proper warrants. It sucks but thats how the world is.
We get shipped off to free speech zones when the government disagrees with our speech. It sucks but thats how the world is.
Our right to assemble has been infringed and now, in many places, we must have permits to even protest. It sucks but thats how the world is.
We start and maintain pointless wars for long periods of time, which ends up killing thousands. It sucks but thats how the world is.

The NSA must be destroyed, and this nonsensical attitude must be as well.

Comment Re:Humans (Score 0) 384

Yeah this is exactly why people have a real problem with ubiquitous spy networks.

I have a real problem with them not only because of that, but because I simply don't want my privacy to be violated. I see the mere collection of this data as an abuse in and of itself.

Comment Re:More evidence (Score 3, Interesting) 384

They need security software that cannot be bypassed that logs everything in incorruptible logs for future review, and auto-stored at multiple sites without delete communication (someone at any given site cannot send out a signal to alter or delete logs at other sites.)

No. We need to get rid of the entire organization and get rid of the system they have in place to wiretap to begin with.

Comment Re:Only _girl_friends? (Score 0) 384

Isn't the right to life the most basic right of all?

I do not want the government to violate our rights to keep us safe. And to begin with, it isn't the government that's violating that "basic right" of which you speak, so it's an utterly irrelevant point when you're talking to people who don't want the government violating our rights.

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