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Comment Re:./ed !!!! Server Reboot Time? (Score 5, Informative) 596

At this point all my whiteboards are full of boxes of each database cluster, the machines in that cluster, which have passed their checksum tests. (innodb checksums each 16k page), which replayed their replay/undo logs, where in binlogs each was writing/reading/executing etc...

So lots of waiting now on the checksum validators. I don't want to put a machine back in and find out in a week there was a database page that was corrupt because the battery-backed write-back cache on the RAID card didn't work as advertised. (which happens on about 95% of RAID cards, in my experience, because they're mostly crap, even the most expensive ones...)

Also whenever there's any doubt about something's integrity, we backup or snapshot the potentially corrupt version before operating on it. That operation can take time too.

It's going to be a fun night.

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