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Comment Re:Why do people put up with this shit? (Score 1) 164

Yes and use what? It's not like there's a serious option that's an industry standard. I've never worked in a game studio where artists used something else beside photoshop or someone would even consider something else. They have the same kind of lock in microsoft had, it's not just about the "os" it's about the giant ecosystem of plugin built around photoshop, the millions of line written in custom import script for art assets in most studios, etc.

Also, the thing that strikes me the most is that everyone seems to completely misunderstand the impact of the cloud service being down. They way Creative Cloud works right now is *the same* as Steam works, you use it to download and manage your software. You software is not running in the cloud, it's just a fancy pant download manager. The impact is NOTHING for users who have it installed. The only thing that's impacted is users who want to download photoshop or whatever. They do warn you: "Oh btw, you're not connected to cloud service, make sure to reconnect before the END OF AUGUST if you don't want your software to be disabled.

My users don't really care if their software is being installed through "Steam/Creative Cloud". As a matter of fact they are not allowed to mess with that anyway :). The real story is more how the licensing deals are changing, that's all. For the current studio I'm working at, we've found that *currently* the CC deal is way cheaper and anyway other options are going to disapear. It's not like we're stupid and we don't see what they're doing by trying trap us all with CC licences and THEN jack up the prices but there's not really any choice. Frankly they'd have to jack up prices to some pretty insane level before we'd have to call it quit, too much legacy software is riding on this.

Comment Re:Can't Tell Them Apart (Score 1) 466

There's a reason why we ask those questions. I always ask the candidate if he can explain to me how a linked list works ( no code ) and then can he please write a small struct/class for a binary tree node. No processing function, just the node with a data payload. Then how would I traverse the tree? The goal is to see if the candidate has some kind of grasp of how pointers work. This is where 90% of the candidates failed. We were also an embedded C++ shop and I needed candidates who knew what a pointer was.

I always asked them questions about personal projects but you needed to demonstrate to me that you had a fundamental understanding of pointers and memory as we had to write a lot of device specific optimization/memory management.

Comment Re:Can't Tell Them Apart (Score 1) 466

Them words be the truth. HR was pretty clear that we had to have a defense ready in case someone played the discrimination card. That meant written tests that were pass/fail. Even if we interviewed John Carmack, if he did not pass that test HR would refuse him any further interview steps. The interview themselves had to follow a certain pattern and we had to write down what we asked.

As a sidenote, I thought I would've a hearth attack when the manager next to me asked a candidate if she was planning on having kids soon. I was like oh god, oh god, oh god. I guess nothing came of it because we hired her but still.

Comment Re:The only features ... (Score 1) 243

Well, even if you're only interested in making/receiving calls with your phone, you have to admit that *in general*, it's much easier to manage contacts, call logs, sens SMS, etc when using a smartphone than with a dumb phone or a feature phone. Sending SMS on those feature phones used to be a total nightmare and I would do it only as a last resort.

Heck my dad, my uncle and my father in law ( all above 60 y/old) used to barely be able to make/take calls on feature phones. Now they have the cheapest refurb iphone and without having to teach/show them they use contacts and call logs, according to them it "changed their life" for the better having those contacts on hand at all time.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 435

I've worked with a lot of embedded system where memory was under 64MB and that was recent stuff. You have custom allocators for everything so that you can track with tools where every single MB went. For us the STL usually gets wrapped or replaced to prevent non system engineers from doing really stupid crap with it ( the things I've seen...) we need to account for all that memory. Mostly changes were things like fixed size vectors.

Anyways, look at iOS dev for an ARM SoC. Still today, developping an app that uses over a 100MB of RAM is pretty iffy. You'll get low memory warnings on plenty of iOS devices. I usually had to develop with managed languages and I really, really missed the ability of having custom allocators to track every single byte. It just makes memory profiling incredibly time consuming and imprecise IMHO with most of those languages. Some of those did have really good memory tracking tools but it wasn't ported to the iOS version, others just plain don't have detailed memory allocation tracking.

Comment Re:Radiation... (Score 1) 216

Like another poster mentioned, normal radiation levels are an "acceptable risk". So most of the designs Nasa or others came up with simply include a storm shelter design. Many such designs put the shelter in the middle of the water tank for the crew. To quote a website: "The only way to protect against radiation (besides magnetic shielding and other things that don't exist yet on the scale of a spaceship) is by putting as many atoms as you possibly can in between you and wherever that radiation is coming from."

Comment Re:Take medicine away from the wizards (Score 4, Interesting) 255

I feel like a broken record but its an US thing. In Canada they just fix you up no matter what you have, they never cheap on the treatment because there's no bullshit like a max number of hearth surgeries of type X a year per hospital. If the hospital has to run a deficit to treat everyone they just will. Seriously, even for medicines we have free gov coverage and if you're employed, the employer has to provide a plan with no limit. The best part? Our economy STILL hasn't collapsed or is not in danger because of that. I never IN MY LIFE had to worry about being sick and not being able to get treatment. The only worry you have when you have to see a doc is: "Damn I'm going to have to wait 3-4 hours in a waiting room to see a doc, am I sick enough to want to wait that long.".

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