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Comment If the Routers could do this... (Score 1) 253

If the routers were able to simultaneous wifi networks the whole time, why wasnt this functionality made available to the device renter? I wouldnt have minded a separate network accessible only to my guests. I suppose the company figured out that we would use it for exactly what they wouldnt want us to use it for. Namely, run two separate networks and split the bill for the connection with a neighbor.

Submission + - Hackaday For Sale, Editors Seek Crowd Funding to Buy It (

ilikenwf writes: Hackaday's owner, Jason Calacanis, has decided to sell the popular hacking/modding site for around $540,000. Multiple parties are interested; the most promising buyer at the moment appears to be the current editors, who are attempting to buy the site via crowdsourcing and incorporate it under a nonprofit to keep the hacks flowing. One way or another, the site should survive.

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