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Submission + - Why are younger people losing interest in cars? ( 14

Strudelkugel writes: The average car on the road is 11.4 years old, according to Polk, a global automotive analysis firm, which reviewed 247 million light vehicles in the U.S. The age of cars has been gradually increasing since 2002, when the average car was 9.8 years old. Polk expects the trend to continue over the next five years. Automotive density is projected to decline to 77.5 cars per 100 people, down from 80 cars per 100 in 2007, according to Kelsey Mays of

Another study, from the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, analyzed the reason for the decline in young driver licensing. Of the 618 unlicensed respondents aged 18-39, 26.9 percent said the main reason they did not get a license was “too busy or not enough time to get a driver’s license.”

Comment Re: How oddly reminiscent (Score 0) 112

Why is it that ANY natural disaster, whether it be an earthquake, flood, etc., always drives those prices? The answer: To make up for lost profits during downtime production. That's why too you'll see gas prices go up when a significant tropical system is to hit the U.S.: the anticipation of lost profits. Yes, its a sad world we live in, when money is only thing that people think about..

Comment Re: In summary... (Score 0) 348

It's true. Since their markup on profits is so high, then even if the iPhone 5 doesn't do so well, it will make up the margin cost with the 5C, which if Jobs was still alive, that phone would've never made it into production in the first place. Even I have to admit, and I'm not a fan of Apple by all means, but without Jobs, their products WILL suffer...

Comment Re: Oh, really? (Score 0) 1255

In Germany, I understand that they go to school all year long, they do get vacations three times a year, so it's not like they're dogging those kids outright, and they have some of the best scores in all of Europe, if not ranking pretty good in the world. I'll put to you another way: If you can afford private school, then do it and be happy about it. If you can't afford it, tough shit. Either you do home schooling if you can deal with the stress of it, or suck it up and grow a pair and send your kids to public school. To me those kids learn more in the real world than they ever would in a private school. Public school has it's issues, no doubt about that, but they will learn how to real world works and deal with personal issues as they get older and more experience how to handle it. Those kids will be more responsible to others and to their selves in the long run...

Comment Re:Fight it if you want to. (Score 0) 555

Damn man, that was stupid what the customs reps did and I understand it's there job to search if they have any unreasonable doubt, but to search only to find a photo an hour and a half later is ludicrous at best. Talk about bad luck at the border, especially since your family all got sick from food poisoning is a lesson learned for them. In the end, your family got the last laugh when they mocked you. Sorry to hear about the bad experience your family had at the border, but unfortunately shit does happen that's beyond our control at times...

Comment You're kidding me right?? (Score 0) 526

WTF is the point of having looser Mary Jane laws in those states if the damn government won't loosen their end on a federal level? Just because pot threatened the hemp industry doesn't mean it's the end of the world dammit! Other countries legalize it and do just fine, and there's very few complaints. Take it to this country to screw shit up that shouldn't have been screwed in the first place!

Comment Re: Enough (Score 0) 110

Because there's never enough sweat shops and dungeons of work these days!! 12 hours in 100 degree heat is a bitch no matter who works it especially for pennies at a dollar, but hey, its ok cause we get the latest and the greatest phones that the planet has to offer, no??

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