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Comment Best phone for 2013 (Score 2, Informative) 290

The best phone in 2013 is from 2009. The N900 is still unmatched. In 2013, the N900 screen is crap, the CPU is a joke, it doesn't do LTE and it is still more useful than any other phone. I'm still waiting for a replacement with better spec but I don't see that coming in the near future. This phone is the Amiga of the 21th century. They can up all the specs in their phone, they won't match the N900 until a decade or more.

Comment Re:Coincidence? (Score 1) 422

If the terrorists were even smarter, they could act lazy, just wait for an accident to happen and claim responsibility. It's even harder to catch them, and they don't have to leave their couch. Then they can make threats, wait a little more and claim the next one.

Comment Re:Fertilizer hazard underrated (Score 2) 422

Well, the explosion propagates at the speed of sound, so abandoning the site is not an option. In Toulouse, the explosion occurred when 2 chemical products entered in contact (ammonium and nitrate if I'm not mistaken) It left a crater 200 meters wide. Although the biggest damage occurred near the factory, Steel girders were found 3km away, windows blown up 20 km away and the seismic activity was recorded in Paris (800 km away)

Comment Fertilizer hazard underrated (Score 5, Interesting) 422

Fertilizers are extremely dangerous and should be handled with more care. A similar thing happened in my town 12 years ago. If was on 21/9/2001, so 10 days after 11/9/2001 and therefore nobody heard about it but it left some 30 people dead and a city in ruins. Look up AZF in Toulouse on the web to see what I'm talking about. They first blamed it on the terrorists and later admitted it was an industrial accident. Like in Texas, the AZF factory was build out of the town but the town grown and it found itself in the middle of it. Poor urban planning.

Comment Well, of course. (Score 2) 159

The MPAA once again sued on irrational claims and their claim got rejected, of course.

We shouldn't talk about it or make articles about it on Slashdot. It should have been rejected silently. The more we talk about it, the more their claim becomes normal. The MPAA is taken more and more seriously, which is scary. It doesn't deserve all that publicity. Their plea should be ignored like the random pleas from mad people that happen all the time.

Comment Re:Precedent? (Score 1) 168

(1) You obviously didn't understand what I wrote. Your language is not understandable because it contains non-english and barbaric terms. Jus civile and Jus gentium are latin terms that you would use as a lawyer, I suppose. We are not in a court room and the term "precedent" does indeed apply. It shows the reader of the article that there is a pattern that is repeating itself. It doesn't matter to the court room but it does matter to the readers of the article.

(2) So that's a 2 year legal warranty. Apple does not make it clear what is covered for free (legal guarantee) and what is covered for the money you pay (commercial guarantee). The customers are mislead because they are not lawyers and they don't know what is legal and should come free with any device. Apple is using this ignorance to its advantage, which is wrong and probably not legal.

Comment Re:Precedent? (Score 3, Informative) 168

"stare decisis" is a legal term. "Precedent" is a common term. This article is not written for lawyers like you so you can not sue them over the use of the term. There is indeed a precedent in Italy because it happened before this, and the 3 years legal guarantee is European law. Each state can implement European law the way they want but they both have to implement it.

Comment Re:Who defines ethics? (Score 1) 527

Freedom is a relative term. There is no absolute freedom. Your freedom stops where the one of others begin. You can have freedom OF religion or freedom FROM religion but you cannot have both. You can have the Freedom to smoke in pubs or the freedom from smoke in pubs. You can be free to kill the one who walks on your garden or be free to walk or any garden. And you can be free to put any restriction on software or have the freedom to use the software any way you want.

And, there is no Stallman world, he lives in the same world as you and me. And no, everyone do not have to do what Stallman thinks is "ethical". I don't know what makes you think that. What you are doing here is starting from the hypotheses that Stallman is a Tyrant to prove that Stallman is a Tyrant. You are confused about him, that is why you think he is a very confused person. Actually he is not confused at all.

I hope that clears some confusions up.

Comment Re:Many mobile browsers do this. (Score 1) 200

Seriously, data being tranfered to a proxy server is the least of your security concerns when you can't read the documentation that comes with your phone or can't read a feature list before buying it. This feature allows you to surf the internet on low bandwidth. There is no other option when you are on low bandwidth and people with low bandwidth and who know what a bandwidth and a proxy is expect it to be compressed via a proxy server. If you don't know how what is bandwidth or proxy, then you should ask your local techie or the man who sold you the phone.

Comment Re:Who defines ethics? (Score 1) 527

Agreeing with someone and walking through the fire with him is totally different. For instance, you can agree that using your car to go to work instead of walking is bad for the planet and yet take your car, because you are lazy. You can agree that buying cheap clothes from sweat shops is unethical and still buy them, because you are greedy. I'm the first to do it and have no problem admitting it. You have a problem when you can not deal with your contradictions and think that being greedy and lazy is perfectly ethical, because you are lazy and greedy. Nobody is perfect and it's not a perfect world but blinding yourself doesn't help. The guy speacks the truth when he points out that some things are wrong. You still have to feed your familly and live a confortable life and nobody is blaming you for not walking with the man but please don't try to hide the truth.

Comment Re:A hundred million? (Score 1) 174

Your point is quite valid but what the OP overlooked is that it is happening right now, not in the 1800s. The US government and US corporations are spying, right now on pretty much every other government and corporations. Not doing so would be pretty stupid anyway. The problem is not spying, it is when you are spied. When you are spying and get caught, just deny and move along ... unless you are smaller than the entity you are spying, then you are in troubles. But when you are spied, that is a huge issue. Get as much media attention as you can and point the finger at your most hated competitor and make a big fuss about it. This is totally unacceptable.

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