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Comment Re:1993? Seagate? Samsung? Srsly? (Score 4, Insightful) 186

My understanding of the U.S. Legal System may not be up to snuff, but doesn't handpicking a jury (based upon their personal tastes) defeat the entire purpose? It would be like asking all of your selected jurors whether they or someone they love has been involved in a violent crime, and only admitting those who have into a case where the defendant is on trial for murder.

I've been involved in two jury trials and one Jury "picking"
at each one the very first questions asked (for weeding
purposes) were if anyone had ever filed for bankruptcy, or been
involved in any previous lawsuits. There might be exceptions
but those people were excused when I was in attendance.

I was once asked if I thought if a police man would lie, as it
was pertinent to the case, "Hell ya!" and I was off that jury, but
anybody who said no I felt had a warped sense of reality.

Comment Seen any Susan B. Anthony dollar coins lately? (Score 1) 943

We have a dollar coin already and to the delight of the U.S.Treasury collected as fast as they are produced.

Only place I can find any Susan B. Anthony's is change from the stamp machines
at the local U.S. post office.

Walmart gave out Susan B. Anthony dollar coins as change when they first came out, the difference
being they were gold colored (an official coin, not a false color). Damn the reaction I got handing those
out to pay for purchases, it was an immediate treasure to the person and it would appear collected like
all the rest.

Comment Re:Seriously (Score 1) 204

wtf is newzbin2? I used USENET but since existence of online forum... what's the point?

I've always thought the same thing, so did it the hard way, downloading them all in the
newsgroup they appeared it, Never saw the sense in running a NBZ file.

I think my ISP is one of the last to offer free usenet service, the fact nobody knows
what a Newsgroup is now days is just downright nice of them. Largest area of free quality Pr0n
one can trip across as well.

If a NBZ file spanned a group they don't carry I'm SOL, It's always been throttled, filling in my MAME roms
took quite awhile, so better to download a very large file some place else.

I've noticed changes to my usenet access lately, I'm required to log-in (name and password), which
I've never had to do before (Cable Internet), so haven't, and can't see myself ever doing so.

Comment Not really surprising, nor Sagan's "leak" (Score 1) 206

A lot of classified "stuff" never made it past the paper stage.

Many that do are unfeasible, Bat incendiaries, that burned up the test area, the nuclear powered airplane that
couldn't get off the ground as the shielding made it too heavy to fly.

The problem with nukes to the moon is the same as sending nuclear waste to the Sun, it might come back.

As for Sagan revealing "this secret" isn't odd at all, as anybody who's filled out a PSQ for a civilian nuclear security
clearance (Q type) would know. If you withhold anything and it's found out what else are you hiding, type thinking.
Which I'm sure he did fill out due to the nature of this paper. A requirement (updated PSQ) of a another job he was after within the "system", he would of listed it.

Comment Re:It is truly frightening (Score 3, Informative) 206

I know we all joke about politicians and bureaucrats, but to think there are really people that stupid in high places just scares the crap out of me.

Na, what's really frightening is the U.S. missed the moon 2 times in their first attempts. so you would have two nukes flying who knows where.

Be try to spot a big boy sized "asteroids" at this time.

To actually answer your post, yes the U.S. was very paranoid and sure the Russians were going to strike.
It wasn't until they tapped into the undersea telephone cable that they found it far from the truth.

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