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Submission + - Obama proposes amnesty for illegal aliens (examiner.com)

Examiner News writes: On Sunday, President Barack Obama's plans for immigration reform was leaked to USA Today and discloses an amnesty plan for illegal aliens. The White House plans would allow illegal immigrants to become legal permanent residents within eight years. There are currently between 11 and 13 million illegals in the United States, or roughly 3.8 percent of the total population.

Submission + - Supreme Court rules on Obama forgery case, birthers protest decision (examiner.com)

Examiner News writes: On Tuesday, Feb. 19, the Supreme Court of the United States will announce its decision on whether or not Barack Obama should have been placed on the California ballot during the 2008 presidential elections. (Background info)

However, the high court's order list of granted petitions published on Friday indicates that associates most likely rejected arguments posed by birthers that Obama had used forged government IDs and a fake social security number to run for political office. Such actions are considered a felony under federal law.

Submission + - Man throws semen at Walmart shoppers (examiner.com)

Examiner News writes: In a news story that's hard to swallow, police in New Mexico are looking for a man who threw or ejaculated his own semen at Walmart (NYSE: WMT) shoppers in Farmington, according to a Feb. 14 report by KOAT.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Pranksters erect giant snow penis (examiner.com)

Examiner News writes: When it comes to Phallic art, is bigger always better? Pranksters have left a stir in a quaint Rhode Island town after they built a 12-foot-long penis made out of snow in the aftermath of snowstorm Nemo.

Submission + - Birthers rally in front of Supreme Court to protest Obama's eligibility (examiner.com)

Examiner News writes: On Tuesday, several dozen birthers protested on the steps of the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. ahead of the court's Feb. 15 conference that will review a case on whether Barack Obama should have been placed on California's presidential ballot in 2008. Dr. Orly Taitz, who is among the leading voices in the birther fight against the president, posted photos of the protest on her website on Wednesday.

Submission + - Obama forcing banks to stop doing business with gun companies (examiner.com)

Examiner News writes: McMillan has been manufacturing firearms since 1973 and specializes in sniper hardware. On Wednesday, the company informed Examiner that going forward Bank of America will no longer allow it to use its banking services "because [the company] is in the firearms business and support the Second Amendment."

Submission + - North Korea conducts third nuclear test (examiner.com)

Examiner News writes: On Monday, North Korea successfully conducted its third nuclear test. The U.S. Geological Survey detected a 4.9-magnitude tremor at 11:58 a.m. local time. A "miniaturized" warhead was detonated late Monday evening and caused an underground explosion, according to a Feb. 11 Washington Post report.

Submission + - Feces serve as attraction in Taiwan zoo (examiner.com)

Examiner News writes: A Taiwanese zoo plans on using animal poop as an "educational tool" for patrons, especially young boys according to a Feb. 10 report by Central News Agency. Officials at the Taipei Zoo will lure more visitors by slicing up excrement which they hope will give people insight into the animals' diet and breeding behavior.

Submission + - Donkey meat may be sold as 'beef' in Europe (examiner.com)

Examiner News writes: Last month, reports surfaced that traces of horse meat and pork made their way to products identified as 100 percent beef in supermarkets across Great Britain, France, and Sweden. It turns out that some of that meat may actually be donkey meat originating from Romania, according to a Feb. 10 report by British paper The Independent.

Submission + - Pope Benedict XVI to resign on Feb. 28 (examiner.com)

Examiner News writes: On Monday, the Vatican announced that Pope Benedict XVI, who is 85-years-old, will resign on Feb. 28, citing advanced age as the cause. He has served less than eight years as leader of the Christian faith after taking over Pope John Paul II in 2005.

Submission + - World's largest crocodile dies in the Philippines, town mourns (examiner.com)

Examiner News writes: On Sunday, the world's largest saltwater crocodile died in captivity in the Philippine town of Bunawan which is located 515 miles southeast of Manila. Local villagers are in mourning after the 21-foot-long, 2,370-pound crocodile named "Lolong" turned over its bloated stomach and died, according to a Feb. 10 AP report. An autopsy will be performed on Monday to determine the cause of death.

Submission + - 82-year-old man tackles burglar in Wash. state (examiner.com)

Examiner News writes: He may not be Pink Panther but Terry Miracle was a football player in the 1950's. The 82-year-old retiree tackled a burglary suspect in Longview, Wash. and prevented the loss of valuables, according to a Feb. 10 UPI report.

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