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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 2 declined, 1 accepted (3 total, 33.33% accepted)


Submission + - Pig Tissue used in surgery (bbc.co.uk)

Noctis-Kaban writes: An interesting piece of local news for me that i thought i would share. There has been stuff about use of Pig tissue for years but I’ve not heard much of it being actively used all the time.

From the Article:
Mr Cawthorn said: "We have had very few complications and [the patients] are very pleased.

"It is now offered as a routine procedure as part of the treatment offered with the plastic surgeons here."


Submission + - Are Microsoft Group Policy double negatives just accepted now?

Noctis-Kaban writes: I’ve been drilling through the confusing double negative laced minefield that is group policy in server 2k8 recently and I can’t help but think. Being this is still the way it is after many years, have Microsoft just blinkered themselves to improving only that which the end users see, ignoring the problems on the “admin backend" that don’t effect efficiency. Yes this is mainly just a bit of a complaining session but it does beg some questions. For instance, who wrote all the group policy rules? Did they lack basic logic or proof reading skills? Was there a lack of anyone looking over their shoulder to slap them around the back of the head, point to some wording and say “what the hell is this?!”.

But when faced with the 20th setting which states something like “Turn off control panel access, Enable/Disable” I do wonder, will we ever be shot of this archaic lumbering durp?

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It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
