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Comment Re:Spreadsheets? (Score 1) 165

They've got a framework extension for .Net that works similarly, not coincidentally named "Reactive Extensions". The typical sample usage is iterating through a collection of mouse events. The enumeration is observable, so the code can be written as a traditional foreach loop, but the iterator will increment a step every time a mouse event occurs. Simple, yet very powerful, like much of .Net's newer asynchronous constructs.

Comment Unorthodox (Score 1) 334

I've lost count of how many projects I've been on where the architect decides to "make his mark" by using unconventional design choices. Then the project gets stuck in a dev hell where the actual developers struggle with either integration headaches or difficulties with the code not acting like they expect. There's something to be said for plain vanilla.

Comment No media servers? (Score 2) 312

What's the point of that? As someone who has terabytes dedicated to local media storage rather than counting on the cloud to reliably stream (or even carry) a particular album or movie, this trend is really ticking me off. I'm going to take a guess that XBone won't serve as a Media Center Extender as well. Was hoping for a single device to play games, watch TV, and listen to music, but it looks more and more like I need to get a separate NUC (or equivalent) for the media server access (although that was going to be necessary anyway, since XB360 won't play ripped DVDs)

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