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Comment Re:calculator is useless (Score 0) 49

who da fuck cares? like this is something that is revolutionary? this shit is pointless.
there is nothing a a graphing calculator can do that a smart phone can be made to do.

throw the fucking calculator in the garbage

This is a big deal for students. Back when I was in HS and college, they did not allow students to use phones or PDAs during math and physics exams, but TI calculators were usually allowed.

Comment Re:What if you drove into a flooded area? (Score 0) 414

Now enter a car that catches fire as soon as it's in deep water. Now you have a WAY more serious problem, and cannot see or even breathe. This is a really bad problem to have and is something that could result in some deaths. They need more safegaurds to prevent mere immersion from destroying the car if nothing else so occupants can get out.

Wow, talk about FUD! First of all the occupants could of got out, because if you red the article, you'd know it happened AFTER the car was submerged. Secondly, SALT water is much worse for engines and batteries than fresh water.

I welcome any safety improvements that result from this, but when I buy a car, I don't expect it to perform like a submarine.

Comment Re:SDL. OpenAL. Yours? (Score 0) 768

Cool, give me a real practical example. You can't. Well if you did game on linux, you'd know that this is bullshit. I still have linux games such as introversion's Uplink (2001 release) that still works fine on linux.

Just admit you have no idea what you're talking about apart from these FUD points windows users bring up whenever "linux" and "gaming" are mentioned in the same sentence.

Actually I can, because I DO dual boot Linux and windows. I can't game in Linux because my Radeon 1800 is 5 years old now so the latest proprietary drivers won't work with the newest kernels. Fortunately, MS keeps a stable graphics API and Windows 7 can use the Vista graphics drivers. But the Linux kernel devs won't expose a stable ABI for the graphics vendors, I'm stuck with these crappy open source drivers or using a old unsupported kernel with possible security exploits.

My servers all run Linux and I have an Android phone. I wish Linux could make it for gaming. But with the FOSSies in charge of the kernel, it will never be a viable alternative to Windows or OS X.

Comment Re:SDL. OpenAL. Yours? (Score 0) 768

Why aren't you using the proprietary ones on Linux? I don't understand. It's not like it's more complicated than checking a checkbox in Ubuntu etc.

For exactly the reason I stated earlier. My Radeon 1800 is 5 years old now so the latest proprietary drivers won't work with the newest kernels. Fortunately, MS keeps a stable graphics API and Windows 7 can use the Vista graphics drivers. But the Linux kernel devs won't expose a stable ABI for the graphics vendors, I'm stuck with these crappy open source drivers or using a old unsupported kernel with possible security exploits.

My servers all run Linux and I have an Android phone. I wish Linux could make it for gaming. But with the FOSSies in charge of the kernel, it will never be a viable alternative to Windows or OS X.

Comment Re:If only more companies acted on their thoughts (Score 0) 768

Uh, Linux hasn't been bad at sound for at least like 3 years now. I haven't even had any problems with high-end creative cards

Yes, for watching Movies or Listing to music, the Linux audio system is fine. Want to develop something that requires low latency like professional music software or hmmm GAMES maybe? Good luck with that under Linux's current ALSA and PulseAudio subsystems.
Read about the nightmare the WINE dev's are having with PulseAudio's massive latency:

A perfect example how the pragmatists who supported OSSv4, were right all along, but still lost out to the the pony tail hippies in charge of the kernel. But we, the Linux gamers, are the real losers.

Comment Re:SDL. OpenAL. Yours? (Score 0) 768

You forgot DX 6, and 7 on the list.... Oh but wait. Win98 DX6 games still run 13 years later under Win7 64bit. I fired up DX6 3Dmark 99 the other day. Ran like a champ on my Windows 7 PC. That same PC can dual boot Linux. But I never game under Linux because the open source drivers are slow as ass. MS keeps a stable graphics API, something Linux never figured out how to do.

Comment Once you go Native, you never go back! (Score 1) 69

As someone who switched from a browser based OS, WebOS, to iPhone 3GS, and now to Android, I can tell you I will never go back to another laggy HTML based OS. If anything, I'd like to see Android move away from its VM based apps to something like Apple's native apps. Many apps ran better on my 3GS than they do on my much more powerful S3. Mozilla is going the wrong direction on this one. Native > Java > JavaScript

The whole idea of using HTML, CCS, and JavaScript as the back end technology for a low-end smartphone is nuts. Even the best HTML rendering engines are CPU and memory hogs. CSS was never designed for and is nearly impossible to hardware accelerate, and JavaScript is notoriously difficult to optimize and even the best VMs like V8 run orders of magnitude slower then Native code, while the VM itself takes up a massive amount of memory.

I get that Mozilla wants to put Firefox on a phone. Fine, but first, focus one building a competitive browser. At the end of the day, I want a responsive fast phone, like the iPhone or Galaxy S3, not some dog slow HTML monstrosity.

Mozilla please just invest your limited resources on making a lean browser that can compete with Chrome!

Comment Re:No Google lock-in (Score 1) 114

IMHO, the best thing about this is you get a nice OS without the Google or Apple lock-in

How do these inane comments get modded up? My Samsung Galaxy S3 is using the Amazon App Store and my phone's contacts are synced to Yahoo mail. Please explain how Google has "locked me in"? And NO, my phone is not rooted.

As someone who switched from a browser based Mobile OS, WebOS, to 3GS, and then now Android, I can tell you I will never go back to another laggy HTML based OS. If anything, I'd like to see Android move away from its VM based apps to something like Apple's native apps. Many apps ran better on my 3GS than they do on my much more powerful S3. Mozilla is going the wrong direction on this one. Native > Java > JavaScript

Why doesn't Mozilla invest their limited resources on making a lean browser that can compete with Chrome instead of a laggy OS that no-one will want.

Comment Re:WebOS (Score 2) 114

How is this different in architecture from HP's WebOS?

In Principle they are the same idea, except WebOS uses the lean webkit engine to render the desktop, while Firefox OS, uses the resource hogging Geko engine.

As a former Palm Pre Plus and Firefox user, I am a poster child as to why this is a terrible idea. I switched from Firefox to the webkit based Chrome because it was the was so much leaner and faster. I also had to leave my webkit based Pre, for a NATIVE powered iPhone. And while I dearly miss WebOS's beautiful and intuitive UI, I do not miss the dog slow performance one bit.

Why doesn't Mozilla invest their limited resources on making a lean browser that can compete with Chrome?

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