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Comment Re:Getting geolocalized news (Score 1) 4

There is a standard called GeoRSS. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be widely used by news feed providers. None of the feeds from the article include GeoRSS info. However, the wikipedia page has an interesting example: the USGS M 5+ Earthquakes for the past 7 days. I suppose it would be quite easy to parse.

Submission + - Converting RSS feeds to a dynamic 3D scene in 120 lines of code ( 4

descubes writes: "Tao Presentations is a 3D presentation tool based on a 3D dynamic document description language. This makes it very easy for developers to create their own 3D shows, illustrate talks in an innovative way, even build small interactive 3D applications. An example included in the latest release grabs RSS feeds from a variety of sources (including Slashdot) and turns them into a 3D scene, all in real-time and in about 120 lines of code. It fetches the pictures directly from the web site and maps them on 3D shapes. And this is only a starting point. Tao Presentations can display 3D objects, drive the majority of 3D displays (including glasses-free 3D displays from Alioscopy, Philips or Tridelity), use GLSL shaders for advanced effects, and much more.

Tao Presentations is free (as in beer), and the document description language is based on the free (as in speech) XL programming language. If you get bored of Powerpoint and are looking for a more stimulating alternative, Tao Presentations may be what you were looking for."


Submission + - Google News, Slashdot and Twitter in 3D (

descubes writes: Looking for a cooler way to create twitter walls or read Slashdot? The latest demo of Taodyne's Tao Presentations renders RSS feeds from Google News, Twitter or Slashdot as a 3D scene in real-time. All it takes is about 120 lines of simple code to break down the data using regular expressions, and then create a dynamic scene containing texts, pictures, animations...

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