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Submission + - The ReactOS Foundation officially joins the Open Invention Network (reactos.org)

jeditobe writes:

The ReactOS Foundation officially joins the Open Invention Network.Membership in this organization will help protect users of ReactOS operating system from possible patent claims around the world (even in the USA), now and in the future.

The Open Invention Network (OIN) is a company that acquires patents and licenses them royalty free to entities which, in turn, agree not to assert their own patents against Linux and Linux-related systems and applications. So in factOIN isis a shared defensive patent pool with the mission to protect Opencource projects. Launched in 2005, OIN has strong industry support with backing from Google, IBM, NEC, Philips, Red Hat, Sony and SUSE (a business unit of Novell).

ReactOS Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in the Russian Federation that provides support and promotion for the ReactOS Project. The primary objective of the ReactOS Project is to create an operating system that is binary compatible with applications and drivers developed for the Windows NT series of operating systems. To help further this goal, the ReactOS Foundation exists as an administrative and logistical entity, offering support for the project developers as well as engaging the ReactOS community and providing an avenue for communication and transparency.

Submission + - ReactOS (indiegogo.com)

fsterman writes: Imagine a world in which we could use a Windows clone to cross-compile our applications in a continuous integration environment or run that one Windows program that a single customer needs for backwards compatibility. Think it's impossible? Well, the crazy talented ReactOS developers have an IndieGoGo campaign for a community edition and a donation gives you a vote on which apps the latest release should cover. They have make $20,000 of their $50,000 and they have a couple of few weeks left. Any other Slashdoter's want to help make Windows even MORE obsolete?

Submission + - End of XP? Move to ReactOS (indiegogo.com)

__aamzsh4373 writes: Mentioned over ten times in previous Slashdot stories over the years, ReactOS still poses itself as an alternative to the Windows NT architecture. Some on the internet have given ReactOS a chance to become stable before XP's demise in order to succeed, including myself. Now that XP has been deprecated (or is being deprecated, depending on how you look at it), ReactOS is running an Indiegogo campaign to fund the applications and hardware users want most since ReactOS is still in alpha development. As of today, the campaign has 30 days left. I have never given ReactOS a try (I'm more qualified for beta testing than alpha testing), but I would like to see the project succeed; especially, since the video posted on the campaign promises that the operating system is free from the backdoors present in Microsoft's Windows NT. Did the ReactOS development team find some of those backdoors while reverse engineering Microsoft's version of the operating system, or can they just promise that based on ReactOS's open source code? Either way, here's your chance to support an open source project.

Submission + - ReactOS now comes with community edition (reactos.org)

An anonymous reader writes: ReactOS aims to create a complete opensource version of Windows. That it works at all is amazing, that it works good is nothing short of a miracle. Not only pushing the boundaries of engineering, ReactOS is also looking to push opensource. Now also people that can't program can help with the ReactOS community. If you want to help out, they've got an indie gogo campaign https://www.indiegogo.com/proj...

Submission + - ReactOS hopes to advance development via 'Community Edition' (reactos.org)

BorisSkratchunkov writes: The ReactOS project has announced a more community-driven development approach with the launch of an IndieGoGo campaign in which contributors can push for support for specific hardware and apps. Furthermore, they have announced the impending release of ReactOS 0.4, which contains (among other improvements) USB support for the first time ever, as well as a new explorer. With the recent retirement of Windows XP and the foibles of Windows 8, it is encouraging to see that the Windows platform might not be entirely dependent on Microsoft in the future.

Submission + - ReactOS Community Edition rocks on Indiegogo (indiegogo.com)

jeditobe writes: ReactOS has went to Indiegogo to collect funds for development of Community Edition distribution. The aim is set to 50 000 dollars. 3800 dollars are already collected.

ReactOS Community Edition comes with new enhancements and features:

        * A newly rewritten User Interface (no Metro — we promise!).
        * It provides the ability to let you install your favorite apps during initial setup.
        * The Community Edition leverages ReactOS 0.4: A new, spectacular version with improved compatibility that will be further boosted by your backing.

Submission + - Reactos mystery announcment

Baggypants writes: MS Windows compatibility platform Reactos has a mystery countdown timer website http://community.reactos.org/?... What are they up to? In other news they had a new release a couple of months ago and now they have support for an RTL8139.

Submission + - ReactOS project starts it own Summer of code internship and hires developers (reactos.org)

jeditobe writes: The ReactOS Project is seeking qualified individuals to fill paid developer positions. Contracted full time, part time, and internship level positions are all available.

Interested developers and students should submit a CV and academic transcript as applicable to jobs@reactos.org along with a cover letter indicating which position is being applied for and why you feel you are suited for the position.

For any position, you will need to be proficient in C with C++ proficiency being a major plus. C++ proficiency does not equate C proficiency so do not assume you have the latter if you have the former.

Submission + - ReactOS project has started its own "Summer of Code" internship programm (reactos.org)

jeditobe writes: The ReactOS Project is seeking qualified individuals to fill developer positions. Contracted full time, part time, and internship level positions are all available. Interested developers and students should submit a CV and academic transcript as applicable to jobs@reactos.org along with a cover letter indicating which position is being applied for and why you feel you are suited for the position. Formalities aside, you do need to prove yourself above and beyond the minimum requirements if you want to be considered for a position. Basically the project will require a demonstration that you know what you're doing. Having accepted patches would be a big plus in your favor, since it shows that you've at least figured out how to compile and test an operating system.
If you do qualify for a position, you'll be joining the very small and exclusive ranks of people who know how to do NT systems development. And believe us, those ranks are very, very small. And yes, you do need to be that good if you want to join those ranks.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at jobs@reactos.org and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Submission + - Anonimous Army supports ReactOS kickstarter campaign (twitter.com) 1

jeditobe writes: Twitter account Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) with more than 1,190, 000 followers recently posted message with words of suuport for ReactOS and it's kickstarter campaign!

ReactOS provides clean environment that is clean from government or hackers trojans.

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