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Comment I've had to block every ip in China (Score 1) 174

for a small forum site. IPs from china were taking up gigabytes of data transfer every day. they were just scraping the whole forum almost daily. soon as I block a few ips, within a day or two another one started doing it. Baidu spider was a problem, but the content scrapers were something else. So in effect, they FORCED me to block the site from their people. Either that or I pay massive bandwidth costs to their robots.

Comment Re:5 days prior to hearing. (Score 1) 401

a quest for truth is not conducted by all the usual suspects in a witch hunt fashion. Anyway, if "mistakes were made" the first place you might want to look at is the giant CIA building near the embassy, and maybe your republican friends can out a few more facts in their oh-so-honest "quest for truth" - as if they'd know truth if it bit them on the ass. whatever went wrong will be fixed, the right-tarded wingnut witch hunt routine isn't going to help.

Comment Re:The answer is simple: (Score 1) 441

or even better, just install: ClassicShell from sourceforge it defaults to "skip metro" give you a start button that's very customizable there's a classic Explorer part too that you can optionally install and a setting to disable the 'hot corners' Very nice software, I've been using it since windows 7 came out

Comment Re:Brunner's great, and the two recent champs (Score 1) 1130

well here's one by a guy who's other works swamp this, but this is a great piece: (which is all too prescient) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Spectre_Is_Haunting_Texas something folks should know about, there's a great old radio show called "X-minus one" that did a lot of great Science Fiction productions. old recordings are available online and many are as close as youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6eoqzFd-Ns

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