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Comment ECT isn't generally for psychosis (Score 2) 385

It's almost exclusively used for major major MAJOR depression that's totally unresponsive to every other treatment - you certainly aren't healthy, but you're oriented in the spheres of person, place and time when you give your informed consent. It's probably a reverse cause though; I think (and Wiki agrees) it has shown some effectiveness in psychosis and schizophrenia but when you're loony like that you can't give consent so they can't zap you...it isn't the 50s anymore.

Comment To be fair (Score 1) 1013

I've killed probably hundreds of times with my various guns! At least 20 deer, which I've proceeded to nom, and when I lived in Maine it was open season on red squirrels - beaning those suckers on the run is just about the most challenging shooting I've ever done.

In all seriousness though, never ever once even thought about killing a person. And I've put FAR more holes in paper than in animals.

Comment WBC might actually meet the Brandenberg test! (Score 1) 1061

[T]he constitutional guarantees of free speech and free press do not permit a State to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.


They have a long track record of suing people that get angry and punch them in the face; they fully intend to incite lawless action. They're going to a service for twenty dead children; if that isn't imminent and likely to produce said action then I have no idea what IS.

They fail the test. The Nazis in Skokie were protected, but fuck all if these guys are.

Comment The Heart of Gold! (Score 1) 438

I always tried to imagine what a ship designed like a "sleek white running shoe" would look like...that pretty much nails it. Sure, the product literature yaps on about "infinity symbols", but I can see better..

Comment Absolutely NOT. (Score 1) 438

Aluminum is flammable - get a good roaring fire going (a distinct possibility on a warship) and bad things happen..

Belknap was severely damaged in a collision with John F. Kennedy on 22 November 1975 in heavy weather off the coast of Sicily. A fire broke out on Belknap following the collision, and during the fire her aluminium superstructure was melted, burned and gutted to the deck level.
This fire and the resultant damage and deaths, which would have been less had Belknap's superstructure been made of steel, drove the US Navy's decision to pursue all-steel construction in its next major classes of surface combatants


Comment If you're going to be that paranoid about it (Score 1) 141

I'm not judging, mind you...matter of fact I think it's a nifty idea, I'm just not that nervous myself, BUT, if you're going to go through the trouble of having a dedicated device for security reasons, well, I have an AspireOne myself that's been relegated to toy status since traded in my elderly G4 desktop for a shiny new MBP and it runs OpenBSD well enough for your needs. WiFi isn't working but you probably wouldn't want to use that anyway.

And yes I realize there's virtually no difference in security between the two and you can't put STOP on a netbook but as I said, if you're going to have a dedicated device, only 2 security holes in the default install in a heck of a long time!

Comment YOU can (Score 1) 405

You and the GP's ex-wife would probably get along great; some people are legitimately asexual. But some of us (I daresay the majority, actually) are "into" sex and can't, literally cannot have a satisfying romantic relationship without it. Not that it's the only factor by any means; I've been in much less satisfying relationships than my current one with far more, ah, entertaining sex - but it's still a non-negotiable, irreplaceable aspect of the relationship. Nothing personal, but I'd look at your take on the situation as the "interesting" one.

Comment Lighting is indeed cruical (Score 1) 208

I don't do electronics per se, but for my all-purpose-home-workshop I put 36" tubes paralleling the wall 6" out and then 24" tubes on every other joist above the workbench and wherever else I need light. Plus two drafting lamps, and I picked up some stupid cheap clipon LED tasklights at Ikea. I use it for hobby electronics, ammunition reloading, and general tinkering/building stuff and it's honestly just adequate. Tubes on every joist might not be a bad idea.

Comment Here in NY it would be 2nd Deg. Manslaughter (Score 1) 687

New York Penal - Article 125 - 125.15 Manslaughter in the Second Degree

  125.15 Manslaughter in the second degree.
        A person is guilty of manslaughter in the second degree when:
        1. He recklessly causes the death of another person


I mention NY because there's a bunch of busy airports with lots of fat, juicy laser targets in holding or on approach/final.

And yeah, I'm fine with very publically charging a couple of little pricks waving green lasers at aircraft with 150-500 counts of Attempted 2nd Degree Manslaughter; maybe make the punishment a $10 fine per charge in this case but make good goddamn sure they carry every count around on their record. Three. Hundred. Felony. Convictions. Yep, utterly obliterate their lives and make fucking sure the entire world knows it ain't worth it - with shit like the Wicked Lasers Arctic 1.25W blue laser available, it's only a matter of time until some fucktard with $400 to blow decides to shine one of THOSE at a Heavy on final into JFK (over Queens). I don't care if s/he just thinks "it would be funny", strict liability. Light a plane = intent to kill every soul onboard.

Or the harder crims start using them as AAA against police choppers..that one should be punishable by summary execution, maybe rig up a Hellfire to ride the beam..

Comment Ever used a mechanical keyboard? (Score 1) 341

It's not just the durability, the tactile response of a switch that makes a physical "click" when you hit it increases my speed and accuracy by about 50%. Really. If I need to compose anything longer than a one-page email I use an external, mechanical keyboard.

Comment They still make those! (Score 1) 341

The Matias Tactile Pro series is built on the same mechanical keyswitches as the original Extendeds, just updated with USB and all the silly volume/eject keys. Also have the option/shift-option symbols right on the keytops, pretty spiffy. I have an version 1 from 2006 that barely looks used - especially after a run through the dishwasher. Oh yeah, you can do that with them too.


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