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Comment Re:Tasteless (Score 0) 507

1. Define capitalism as something it's not.

Right... it's just so people can make money. It's not so that we can have a better functioning society or anything. After all, anarchism and other such things are viable alternatives and the only reason we use capitalism is so some people can make by through any means necessary.

3. Profit! Wait, not profit, making money is immoral

Speaking of straw men...

Making money isn't immoral. It just depends on how you do it. If you're utilizing slave labor to make a profit, then that is definitely immoral.

Comment Re:Tasteless (Score 1) 507

Businesses arent supposed to "benefit society."

I disagree entirely. That's why we have regulations on businesses and they can't do whatever they want to make money. Businesses can easily be immoral.

But as I said, this is merely tasteless. Just don't buy it.

then we can only assume that you were happy to do so because you have free choice.

Provided there isn't a monopoly on an essential service (read: not this), of course.

Comment Re:Tasteless (Score 1) 507

Actually, I was just saying that making money isn't always the most important thing.

At most, I'd say this was in bad taste. However, Sony has done immoral things in the past (root kits and OtherOS removal come to mind). Like I said, I can't believe that some people are just now starting to want to boycott Sony.

Comment Re:Tasteless (Score 0) 507

Businesses are supposed to benefit society. Sure, their (as in the people behind the businesses) individual motivations may be to profit, but that does not mean they can or should do whatever they want. Some things are clearly immoral and we should not tolerate it.

Of course, they're calling for a boycott on Sony now? A bit late, aren't they?

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