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What Are the Weirdest Places You've Spotted Linux? 322

colinneagle writes "Bryan Lunduke recently pulled together a collection of the weirdest places he's found Linux, from installations in North Korea and the International Space Station to a super-computer made out of Legos and computer engineer Barbie. Seen any weird places for Linux not mentioned in this list?"

Comment BS. The issue isn't with trying something new (Score 4, Insightful) 2219

If you're really listening, then you'll say:
"We get it. You don't like Beta. So, we're going to commit to allowing you to keep classic if that's the site you are loyal to."

You've been working on Beta for a long time. We've been aware of that. We're not responding to trying something new. We're responding to this bit from the message you retracted:
> "The new site is a work in progress so Classic Slashdot will be available from the footer for several more months."

We're responding to the implication that the functional site we love will be fully replaced with the awful beta; no takesies back. This very slim time frame of several months makes it clear that in your eyes, the new "slashdot" is nearly complete. The problem is, the real reason Beta sucks is because it's a different paradigm all together. It's not something you can fix by listening to feedback and tweaking over the next few months. It's a concept that needs to be scrapped.

I think I speak for many when I say the issue goes beyond ugliness. It's a frame of mind. It's what this site represents that you're changing. We are nerds. You really need to understand nerds better if we are your intended audience anymore. We like this site because it's functional and doesn't get in the way of OUR discussion. You're turning the site into buzzfeed. Save that crap for Slashdot BI.

Comment Re:" we migrate our audience..." (Score 4, Insightful) 232

There are readers and contributors. Slashdot acknowledges some people as meaningful contributors by allowing them to disable ads. So, yes. We contributors ARE paying to use the site by offering our content. We're not giving the content for free, we get compensated in the form of a site that lives up to our high standards. So, when the compensation fails to be adequate, we must be vocal. We understand that we can stop using the "free" site at any time. We become vocal in hopes it doesn't have to come to that.

Comment Brick and Mortar Stores Need to Rethink (Score 0) 232

The design of their security. They should redesign it by committe. Here are some suggestions for your Target Security Beta:

* More whitespace. Credit card thieves hate whitespace.
* Big goofy graphic before they can steal your credit card info
* Force a lot of scrolling, this will definitely send attackers away
* Make the store look like Buzzfeed. This will send them screaming.

Comment Tech Standards Evolve (Score -1, Flamebait) 234

Sometimes they evolve organically. Often, some interested party steps in, and turns it all upside down and ruins it. When this happens, the standard is often likely to fail because it didn't meet the needs of the users (the real stakeholders).

This is sort of what is about to happen to slashdot with the introduction of Beta. Some interested party with power steps in, and flips it upside down. What they fail to realize is that Slashdot isn't a website. It's the users. And Slashdot users are a very special class of curmudgeons... take your Beta off my lawn and shove it.

Please discuss!

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