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Comment Re:Republicans = corporations (Score 1) 945


Do you hear yourself speak.

Those guys went above and beyond their jobs.
They worked tons of unpaid overtime digging through the rubble. Hoping to find survivors, but more so, hoping to give families closure and the ability to bury their dead.

Are you seriously asking why this is a Federal issue and not a NY city issue?
You do understand that the bill covers First Responders from other Cities that went to the Trade Center int he after math to help.

And its' not new debt, as the damn bill has a revenue stream attached to it, to pay for the thing.

You're probably the same guy who thinks that it's okay to forget about Soldiers disabled in action after a few years.

Comment Re:Wait, what? (Score 1) 160

doesn't that just make them a Corporation?

All Corporations are driven by profit above and beyond anything else.
We've proven time and time again in every industry that Corporations will do completely amoral, downright illegal things in the search of profits.

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