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Comment Re:Only a surprise if... (Score 1) 188

Well, I guess even Art Bell isn't always wrong.

But there's far more than just the government keeping you from getting useful news out of US news sources. They focus on what's cheap to produce and give you a steaming pile of it: sports "news", uninteresting "human interest" stories, commercials disguised as news, etc.

Comment Re:No surprise here (Score 1) 188

It's interesting that you imagine this kind of behavior to be a new thing. As someone previously stated, this is what some reporters stoop to in order to get "access" that they hope other reporters won't have. It looks like Dilanian did it the wrong way, allowing the CIA to become his editors.

And if a news organization uses information from the government sources carefully, it can occasionally get information that you might not otherwise hear. Certainly what the CIA says about something that the CIA probably knows about is part of what the public ought to know, but it needs to be prefaced with something like, "according to official CIA sources" so the readers know they're reading what the government wants them to hear.

Comment Re:Moon Ring Math (Score 1) 330


At any time, half of it is iluminated, forming the equivalent normal illuminated area of 3500km x 200km. Supposing the area utilization within the band is 90%, that's 630,000 square kilometers or 630E9 square meter. Assuming they're Si-heterostructure cells, they can produce 126 terawatts. Then the problem becomes not do you have enough power, but can you get it to Earth in a practical manner?

Comment Re:they exist but do not have titles? (Score 1) 312

Do you have another word for something that you use to get work done that's not insulting?

Don't think so. You wouldn't understand, what with you being only a wog and all that, but pretty much every word in English is a euphemism for private parts or bodily functions of some kind.

Because this is literally what managers do with people.

You're a hoot at parties, aren't you? Theoretically speaking, of course.

I'm not here to amuse you, except incidentally. I'm more interested in making you think.

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