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Comment Re:US (Score 1) 999

All the money is in the mines in Western Australia, not in Sydney. It's possible to save a good chunk of money in a short period of time, especially because you don't have to pay for accommodation and food while you are working. Sydney is not where the money is at. But where Australia has a huge advantage over all the other countries is that the retirement system (superannuation) is completely funded, it is not a ponzi scheme like Social Security is in the US. The US is completely fucked at this point, what you are going to see in the next 10 years or so is the government is going to become more and more aggressive trying to collect as much taxes and fees as possible until there is nothing left in order to feed it's addiction to debt. (I am originally from the US but moved to Australia 5 years ago. My only regret is that I should have moved from the US much much earlier.)

Comment Re:Florian Mueller is essentially a whore. (Score 0) 165

It'd be a big surprise *to you*, given your worldview. You should get out and actually learn about the world with practical first hand experience, and then you can have an informed opinion. You sound like an academic who is an expert on sex because you have read every single book on the subject.

Comment Re:Not a very graceful move (Score 0) 911

I was born in America and I spent the last few years obtaining PR in Australia, which wasn't easy. In another year or so I'll have my citizenship and be able to renounce my US citizenship. I consider my US passport to be a burden not a benefit. The US is one of only two contries in the world (the other being Japan) that taxes your *worldwide* income (there is a threshold however). So by virtue of being born in the US one becomes an economic slave to the US government. But the main reason I left is because the US government scares me. Laws are being passed to reduce freedom as much as possible. And nobody seems to care.

As the US government needs more and more money to roll over its debt it is going to continually raise taxes on its citizens until they have nothing left. There is a cycle to everything, it's the way energy travels, and the US is long past its peak.

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