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Comment Re:Other Manufacturers Can't Complain (Score 1) 100

GOOGLE is manufacturing hardware??? SINCE WHEN???

They own Motorola Mobility, who does make Hardware.

APPLE is a software company???

"The big secret about Apple is that Apple views itself as a Software Company"-Steve Jobs


Your comment is a perfect example of COMPLETE IGNORANCE

4/10. See me after class.

Comment Re:Amazon (Score 2) 281

I'm sure it will somehow take AWS down :)

As a DC area resident who works in Reston (where Amazon's servers are), signs point to YES. Especially since DC area residents have already settled into "PANIC!" mode which includes posting on Facebook on how everybody is going to die and how the Mayans were right, buying every roll of toilet paper and every tube of pimple cream in the grocery store, filling their Viagra prescriptions so they can die happy, hiding in their basements, and emerging 2 days later asking "Why was everybody panicking?" This process also includes everybody jamming on to I-66 at the same time (more so than usual). This response is the same whether it is a hurricane, or just a dusting of snow. Doesn't this make your confident about the people who run your government?

Comment Re:Why aren't people more hyped about the Wii U? (Score 1) 188

Which version of Halo?

Halo 3 was panned for its graphics at the time, and that was 2007.

Halo Reach is a couple years old now

Halo Anniversary, the latest game, IS an upscale of the original 2001 game, runs the original graphics engine alongside the new one, and as such is buggy.

I love the series, but its not a good example to judge the graphics capability of the console as newer games tend to find ways to suck every last ounce of power out of the console

Comment Re:No smiles in Ohio (Score 1) 265

When I took mine, it kept locking on to Darth Vader on my t-shirt. So they made me put on my coat, which was a M65 field jacket I had modified to be a part of a cosplay (was wearing cause it was cold and I blew my entire paycheck on Caps tickets, manga, and DnD books instead of buying a coat). So now I get funny looks at cons when I get asked for ID and I'm wearing said cosplay.

Comment Re:Too late (Score 4, Insightful) 132

No, the worst part is that OUR OWN LAWMAKERS are being restrained in what they can talk about.

This is a direct affront to the principle of congressional oversight.

In this case I agree. This is complete crap. A Congressman having to GET PERMISSION from the Executive Branch to inform those he represents that the 4th Amendment has been breached by the Executive Branch makes one wonder about what he wasn't allowed to say, and why the hell he had to get permission in the first place. However, there are somethings I believe that politicians, no matter the branch, should shut up about, such as information that gives away a source, or puts the lives of those who have helped us in jeopardy. But even that has to take a backseat to the Constitution.

Go ahead, mod me down.


Submission + - Up close with the Enterprise shuttle at the Intrepid Museum (

An anonymous reader writes: As you probably remember from a few weeks ago, the Space Shuttle Enterprise was flown on the back of a 747 to New York City where it was then delivered to the USS Intrepid. As sad as it was to see a space shuttle retired (and NASA take a major step down in the space flight abilities) this was one of the most amazingly geektastic events in recent memory. Now the shuttle is on top of the aircraft carrier’s flight deck, living in its very own pavilion. As of tomorrow it will go on display as part of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, but today we got a sneak peek at the shuttle.

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