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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 8 declined, 2 accepted (10 total, 20.00% accepted)

Wireless Networking

Submission + - Atheros unveils free Linux driver for its 802.11n (madwifi.org)

mcgrof writes: "Atheros has released a shiny new Atheros driver for all their 11n devices aimed for inclusion in the Linux kernel. This new driver has no proprietary HAL and is licensed under the ISC so the BSD community should be able to benefit as well. Note: no firmware required! Hoping rms gets to read this although I doubt he reads slashdot :)"

Submission + - Novell release FAQ on Novell/Microsof agreement

mcgrof writes: "If you are like me, you were probably huffing and puffing about the new Novell/Microsoft deal, wondering "what the heck were they thinking!?". Novell has just released an FAQ on the Novell-Microsoft agreement which clears the most common concerns they've received over the last week. Essentially, no they don't violate the GPL, no there was no law suit that led up to this, and no its not the deal is not about patent infringements on GPL software. Interestingly the deal is about protecting Microsoft from suing Novell's customers from using Novell's software and violating patents. The same goes the other way around. There are more questions answered so go check it out if you want more."

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