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Comment Re: Thanks, assholes (Score 1) 573

Just re-read the second amendment. The sentence structure is obtuse, but I finally see the interpretation of it that you have put forward and agree it states that in order to have militias to protect the people, the people shall need to be armed. Thanks for pointing that out. I hadn't read it that way yet, but that is clearly how it is meant. As an aside, I often wonder how the constitution might have been written differently if the founders had lived in the modern era, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Bombs which can level city blocks, are these considered arms and a right which shall not be infringed?

Comment Re:Someone please aware me: (Score 1) 303

Because when you are in a public place you have no right to the expectation of privacy. If you are walking and talking down the sidewalk in town other people are able to hear your side of the conversation. Depending on if your state and the state the other party is in are two or one party states it is a moot point.

Unless the person is using speaker phone, the guy or gal on the other end of the line can't be heard. But a man-in-the-middle would hear the other person. As for texting, I do have an expectation of privacy as the viewing of the screen is typically limited to just me.

Comment Re: Thanks, assholes (Score 2) 573

it's not really the legal problem.

It is a legal problem. The Second Amendment is perfectly clear — keeping and bearing arms is a right. Any and all laws imposing licensing requirements turn that right (which can only be taken away by the Judiciary) into a privilege (to be granted and withdrawn by the Executive), are just that: Unconstitutional.

the culture of guns in the usa is fucking retarded

That may or may not be so. I tend to like it, however.

Can you define for me what a "well regulated malitia" is and how the general populace passing a background check for gun ownership is sufficient to constitute a well regulated militia?

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