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Comment Re:Siri and translation (Score 1) 185

You were thinking of Kraft, right? Bait and switch!

You got me, you got me. Actually, yes, I was thinking of a food manufacturer and thought P&G would be a better reference. Great minds. Love your nick btw! What's the gov't up to today?

Thank you. The government is up to making you wish you knew what the government is up to. :)

Comment Re:Siri and translation (Score 1) 185


What do they call the process where you say that you're better than the competition in a VERY loosely-related type of product?

e.g. "In the news today, Proctor and Gamble, Inc. has announced that it plans to compete with the largest trucking companies. P&G claims that its delivery processes are faster than all other trucking companies." "Well, they USE trucking companies, so their food must be the best if they are competing with the other trucking companies, right?"

Yes, and their soap is the smoothest delicacy on the market. LOL

You were thinking of Kraft, right? Bait and switch!

Comment Re:Easy (Score 1) 904

Hmm... Life insurance will be more expensive, pay raises will be lower, doctors will own more yachts when they die, retirement age will be 116, there will be more conservatives and less social change, food and other resources will become scarce, there will be more population and everything that comes with it, more people will go to grad school, families will be bigger, family reunions will need more seating, more senators will be balding, viagra sales will skyrocket, and the year will be greater than or equal to 2036.

Next question!

It's all a move to maintain greater output from the populace.
Unfortunately, it's difficult to keep a job the older you get. I shouldn't bring up the topic of health care and government accounting. :)

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