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Comment We are paying for this for our safety (Score 1) 237

Why do people moan so much. We can't spy on our own citizens: Who cares, are we so special that we cannot be spied on but other countries are fair game? We need to spy to catch people who need to be caught, domestic or foreign I really do not care. If my emails are read, ok, if my mail is intercepted, who cares, if my phone is tapped, who cares, if I have a file in some secret facility and they know I buy Cheetos, who cares. Crime, espionage and terroism cost us all money which directly effects the quality and lengths of our lifes, our childrens lives, in fact for all citizens on earth. Leaking information, such as the Independant newspaper has done, is not safe, will focus other's resources in to identifying this source, and as a result cost money and possibly lives. We feel more safe now than at any other point in time, that is not because of some self riteous idiot releasing facts that are better left alone. It is because we try to do the right thing in a world where many do the wrong thing. The cost of all this is hidden and incalculable. Shut up and leave it alone, careless talk cost lives.

Comment How many voyagers (Score 1) 237

How many dead voyagers are in our interstellar space neighbourhood, or even our own heliosphere. Tens of thousands of years travel time is trivial to the next star system on the cosmic clock. Perhaps space has had a litter problem in other neighbourhoods for billions of years too. Can we only find them by running into them.

Comment Why are you so interested in my big phablet? (Score 1) 320

Why are you so interested in my big phablet (Galaxy Note)? The endless tirade from you busy bodies (U Know Who You Are!) with nothing better to do. Comment such as: Is that a phone in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me; Nice TV; Shouting hello into a pretend massive phone; ... If you do not want one, or you don't want mine, fine, it is only a matter of time till you succumb. My note is perfect and I can operate mine one handed. The answer to this question is to look at the sales boom in the year of the phablet. However, to be fair, the following dimensions are far too big. 147 x 83.5 x 9.8 mm A better question would be how do you secure your phablet, I use F-Secure.

Comment Re:Double standards, Union Carbide , India Bhopal (Score 2) 238

In 1991, the local Bhopal authorities charged Anderson, who had retired in 1986, with manslaughter, a crime that carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. He was declared a fugitive from justice by the Chief Judicial Magistrate of Bhopal on 1 February 1992 for failing to appear at the court hearings in a culpable homicide case in which he was named the chief defendant. Orders were passed to the Government of India to press for an extradition from the United States. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of the decision of the lower federal courts in October 1993, meaning that victims of the Bhopal disaster could not seek damages in a US cour

Comment Re:You can settle criminal charges now? (Score 1) 238

In 1991, the local Bhopal authorities charged Anderson, who had retired in 1986, with manslaughter, a crime that carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. He was declared a fugitive from justice by the Chief Judicial Magistrate of Bhopal on 1 February 1992 for failing to appear at the court hearings in a culpable homicide case in which he was named the chief defendant. Orders were passed to the Government of India to press for an extradition from the United States. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of the decision of the lower federal courts in October 1993, meaning that victims of the Bhopal disaster could not seek damages in a US court.

Comment Double standards, Union Carbide , India Bhopal (Score 1) 238

When you consider Union Carbide in Bopal killed 8000 (1984) on the first day, with estimates higher than 30000 knocking around for total dead. Hopelessly contaminated land and ground water and still the population are suffering after 25 years. No idiot want's to belittle the Oil spill, it should be taken at face value. Bhopal was abandoned as it was not in their backyard, and the real costs to compensate personal and economic, and to clean up to an American standard would be staggering. $4.5 Billion Dollars could not achieve this. Average Compensation Sum (US $): Personal Injury Claim $455 Death Claim $1128 In 2007 total award was $281 million To me, $4.5 Billion Dollars could be better assigned else where, a god fearing country, obviously does not fear god, as I do not.

Submission + - Criminal Defence: Someone hacked into my computer,

MultiPak writes: If customer was to claim someone hacked into their computer and used their credit card and the amount is too small to involve the police. Does this mean a customer who was committing a criminal offence can get away with low level crime.

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