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Comment Did anybody read TFA? (Score 4, Interesting) 156

The point is not that you can attack lousy website using GET requests. The idea is that HTTP firewalls shoud not blatlantly white-list google bots and other website crawlers in the sake of SEO optimization, because google bot will follow malicious links from other website..

So lets say you have a filter with rules that prevent common SQL injections in GET requests parameters, this is a weak security practice but can be useful to mitigate some 0-day attacks on vulnerable scripts. This protection can be by-passed IF you white-listed google bot.

Comment Re:Out-of-band comm + PKE = enough security (Score 1) 95

Nice write-up. Extremely complex and awkward in every way if you think of it in real life and according to the current state of technoloy.

Here's my version of a secure transaction at Burger bar

Ask for combo #1

Hand of five dollar bill

Get combo #1 and some change

No trace left and no security risk.

Sure, I need to acquire and carry said 5$ bill in a safe and secure manner, but they way I do it RIGHT NOW satisfies my need for privacy and security.

Comment DVD / BR patent holders are the big loosers (Score 1) 734

Their days of getting royalties on every single copy of windows sold are counted.. Remember that HD-DVD vs Blue Ray war? MS was behind HD-DVD, and sony won with its blue ray.. I wonder if MS would have done the same thing if HD-DVD was not abandoned? I think they are simply pointing the middle finger to sony in that move..

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