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Comment Re:There's statistics, and then there's you lying (Score 1) 296

The problem with this is that it's media-driven. You can't compare reliability on a vehicle until you've had 1,000,000 on the road for 5 years. You are correct that Ford has done some catchup over the last 10 years but talk to anyone in the industry and they will tell you that the money is all made repairing domestics. Their engineering strategy of cheaper cheaper cheaper means a constant supply of work for us mechanics. I love domestics because I can make a lot of $$$ off them.

Comment Re:As a blackberry user, I don't need a crystal ba (Score 1) 262

Walk into your local police station, law firm, government office you don't see the business people carrying around iPhone or Android. For security sensitive applications they are almost exclusively blackberries. This comes at a cost, sluggish phones and more potential for outages as they all rely on the encrypted infrastructure. It says something when middle eastern countries want to ban the phones because their intel communities can't get into them.

So while the common user may try to measure the success or failure of RIM in the home market they are still quite strong in the business world.

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