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Comment Re:When will this stupid crap-o-rama end? (Score 1) 73

I agree with the AC, your post looks like a short sighted (idiot) or troll comment to me. The 33,561 people in the U.S. that died in 2012 from an automobile related incident and their families would probably be pro self-driving car.

We can discuss (argue about) the various merits of self-driving cars all day long but I'll make it simple: I trust a computer to do complex repetitive math all day long and not make a mistake where I would expect multiple screw ups from a human. Take that same concept and apply it to a car. Will there be issues still, yes... just a whole lot less.

Comment Re:It's pretty impressive (Score 1) 405

Disclaimer: Android Fanboy

While they may have been the "de facto" device in 2011, it looks like they were overrun by all the various Android tables a while ago and are still in market share decline. For a single device compared against all others they may have the most share, but not by OS. With Apple just catching up to Samsung’s 2012 products this trend will probably continue.

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