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Comment Re:CEO has to mark his Territory (Score 2) 72

Their iOS app.

That's right, because the only way a web service can be successful is if it has a thin wrapper over its API in the form of an iOS app so poor users don't have to open Safari.
Also, I don't think you should be measuring other companies against Instagram. There's no greater proof that we are in the middle of a second tech bubble than the fact that a company whith no discernible monetisation strategy managed to be bought for $1 billion.

Comment Re:Take it off the Internet? (Score 1) 266 sticking USB sticks into power plants/mission-critical gadgets.

Wait, what? The last USB-spread virus I heard about outside the Windows world (where viruses spread via autorun, which can be disabled) was a Ubuntu file manager bug which was quashed within a couple of minutes of being disclosed. Apparently it only affected Ubuntu users who had both an infected USB and had disabled AppArmor. Is "oh yeah, somebody stuck a USB stick in it" really a valid excuse for a major security breach?
You're right about not needing a "cybersecurity military", but I don't think we need to "train" users either - sane security defaults can fix that for us. Follow the principle of least privilege and you will be fine.
PS: My apologies if you were joking, I'm not sure if you've been modded up as insightful or funny (or both!).

Comment Re:Ubuntu Sucks (Score 1) 230

Arch breaks often in it's update and is seriously not recommended in production environments.

Ironically, my experience has been that Arch actually breaks less than Ubuntu does with updates, especially when you throw the horror that is dist-upgrade into the equation. That said, the reason I stopped using Arch was the fact that they symlinked /usr/bin/python to /usr/bin/python3 for no discernible reason other than "OMG 3 > 2 SO WE MUST USE IT". This promptly broke all my third party Python 2.x apps + libraries and forced my migration to "greener pastures".

Comment Re:A good thing (Score 1) 60

But seriously, it always makes me angry when I see the notebook computers that some schools force their students to use. Big heavy 15" models are stupid to be carried every single day even by adults, let alone small children. You would think that inexpensive, small netbooks should be a no-brainer.

Netbooks are out of the question because they are almost impossible to work with on a day-to-day basis (particularly for students with vision problems). That only leaves small, inexpensive laptops, which as I understand it don't exist yet. Ideally you'd be looking at a 12-13" laptop, but they're too damn expensive when you put them up against the 15-17" monsters. To be honest a 15" laptop isn't that big a deal, I have one sitting on my desk which is approximately 1.2kg with the battery in, vs. 1.1kg for an average size maths textbook. Hell, I've got a soft-cover physics textbook which is 2.1kg, and a couple of hard-covers which are presumably much heavier.
Oh yeah, and just for the record here is an approximate cost breakdown of current secondary laptops in Australia (figures given to me by a tech guy from a high school):
  Hardware: $1500
  Software: $1500
To be fair, that is for a Dell machine rather than the Acer which the State Government were pushing, but in any case the OLPC reduces hardware cost to $234 and software cost to $0.

Comment Re:When will governments learn? (Score 2) 151

They probably already have 2) down pat if they're doing their jobs properly. Remember, all that happened here was a DDoS - there were no gaping holes found in the defences of the websites. Anonymous just happened to have more resources than the Government websites did and thus managed to make the sites unresponsive for a couple of hours.
But of course you already know this since you're the kind of discerning Slashdotter who reads linked articles and has at least a basic understanding of the topics on which they comment, right?

Comment Wait, what? (Score 1) 159 might wonder why Google has to push their own social network instead of working on open protocols for sharing.

Could it be because they tried working on open protocols for sharing and it didn't work? Hate to reign in the $MEGACORP bashing here, but Google really HAVE tried in this area - G+ looks like a last-ditch attempt to gain some traction amongst the big players in "social".

Comment Re:I'll start a service of my own (Score 1) 86

Because of how much more efficient it is to break into an organisation's database of contact hashes, hope like hell the contact hashes are unsalted and then run each of them through your rainbow tables just to get a single email address than it is to write a web crawler in 10 lines of Python which finds emails based on a regex. Your approach is great if you're trying to phish gullible Sony customers but not so great for anything else.

Comment Re:fuck the raspberry pi (Score 1) 82

At the risk of implying a consideration of the long term effect or *shudder* morality into capitalist economics, it is cheaper to have a local manufacturing base than rely completely on some rights-ignoring nation half way across the world.

Uh-huh. Because the rest of the world is local to $YOUR_COUNTRY, and it's cheaper to produce electronics in $YOUR_COUNTRY because Anonymous Coward says so. Convincing.

We're still waiting for them to point-out the specific clause. No-one else seems to be affected by it.

Except all of the electronics manufacturers who are doing their production in $OTHER_COUNTRY and also seem unable to justify producing their electronics in $YOUR_COUNTRY.

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