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Comment Re:Why not... (Score 1) 333

Lumpy, you're an idiot.

I have servers running Windows NT 3.51 that still make more money an hour than 100% of the people here on Slashdot

Yea, what happens when that hardware quits? And who do you call when it stops working? Don't tell me it never stops working. I built my share of 3.51 servers, back when it was a supported OS. It is not by even the remotest account a more stable OS than the modern Windows servers.

You are one unexpected fuckup from being unemployed, Lumpy. You won't be back here to brag at all of us how your 3.51 install barfed on you and you got fired on the spot because you had absolutely no way to bring your antiquated gear back online. You have NOBODY to call. So when it goes bad, it will ALL BE ON YOUR HEAD.

I would not be feeling so fucking smug there, buddy.

Comment Re:Tough luck.. (Score 1) 923

I've always thought that if you rob somebody at gunpoint then death is a proportional response

Yea, I am kind of not cool with the gun in my face thing either, and if I ever find one there I will take the very first opportunity to end the gunman, and also these idiots stole radioactive waste, which put everyone around them in danger. I'm not cheering on the karma, but they did start the whole chain of events. It's just what is.

Comment Re:Tough luck.. (Score 1) 923

I was stalked and repeatedly attacked by a bully growing up. I talked to a friend who had known this guy later in life, and he was the kind of guy who would do any stupid thing if he was challenged, or dared to. It was just his thing.

So yea, I'm sure he ended up the muscle for some petty drug dealer or pimp, and likely has toured the inside of several prison facilities by now. He was on that path at age 10 when I ran into him for the first time. And my friend described this guy as fuckin' dumb. Would do anything, especially if it was DUMB.

I don't feel any sympathy for these guys. I don't think they deserved death, but death found them anyway because they are ill-considered people without a lot of common sense.

Comment Re:why didnt Snowden use Wikileaks??? (Score -1, Troll) 398

I think Snowden as a tool is about the picture that I'm getting too.

He's a very foolish young man, and he's totally fucking ruined his life and now is trying to regain some credibility. But the sad fact is, he's also betraying his country. I do not see anything noble in what he's done: I knew everything he was saying before he said it. All he's done is pull a great big LOOOK AT MEEEEEEEE and run streaking across the public square.

Comment Re:Ask Doctors ... (Score 1) 786

You should talk to Doctors

LOL. You should talk to whole sections of the healthcare industry if you want to know the true opinion of Medicare. I'll let you in on a secret, though: without it, there's no FUCKING healthcare industry at all. At least not one revolving around long-term care. You do want to die with some dignity, don't you?

Because sans medicare, you'd best start picking out what goddamn ice floe you want to die on.

Just before you get that big phat right-wing cock too far down your throat, I'll warn you that you're gonna choke on it.

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