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Comment Re:Great point, but ..... (Score 1) 481

It's a big factor. Here is a piece from NPR covering a beat cop working in Skid Row. Skid Row is pretty much a worse case scenario for law enforcement. He's been patrolling the same neighborhood for almost 20 years. He's familiar with the community and they're familiar with him. It has made a huge impact on how the people and the police interact with one another. http://www.npr.org/2014/10/14/...

Comment This sounds familiar (Score 1) 105

The NSA has an interest in strong encryption as much as they do in subverting encryption. Take as an example the work they did with (read "for") IBM on DES.

"It took the academic community two decades to figure out that the NSA 'tweaks' actually improved the security of DES." -Bruce Schneier


Comment Re:It's the End of the World... Again [Re:Thank Go (Score 1) 286

I know they're a long way off, but the scientific predictions are way more terrifying.

From Wikipedia, "The heat death of the universe is a suggested ultimate fate of the universe, in which the universe has diminished to a state of no thermodynamic free energy and therefore can no longer sustain motion or life.'

WTF? I don't even.

Comment Re:Inflammatory? You bet! Defamation? Not a chance (Score 1) 371

So they made these comparisons and wrote all of these inflammatory things betting on the HOPE that Mann would sue them for defamation so they could drag all of these documents Mann's been alegedly hiding out into court? Is that what your saying? That seems like a bit of a stretch to me.

Comment Re:Makes Sense (Score 1) 413

I'm not saying it's not plausible that VR was CIA. However, given the circumstances, if you think that to be true, then it would follow logically to believe that his participation in EVE was of some serious significance. Why else would he insist on staying online right up until the shooting started? I've heard of being a game addict, but damn. If I'm CIA on a super-duper sensitive mission and shit is going down, then I think I'd have more important things to focus on besides playing some vidyuh. Unless, of course, being online had some significance to the mission/clusterfuck at hand.

Comment Re:Stimulus for the 1% (Score 1) 295

I think you're close, but not quite there. I moved to WV my freshman year of high school and graduated in 2006. As far as I could tell, the supplies were fine. I don't think we were hurting for funding (at least not technology funding). Hell, my school (about 1500 students) had three full dedicated computer-classrooms that would typically only have classes in them 2-3 periods of the day with as few as 5-10 kids in each class. I never shared a book. We always had plenty of supplies for science and art classes. However, I think they might underpay their teachers (more so than other places, it would seem). In my four years, I watched three of the best teachers I knew leave for jobs just across state lines where they could make almost twice as much. I know this is anecdotal, likely contains sampling bias, and is a bit off topic. I thought I would share anyway.

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