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Submission + - Choosing a Content Management System

Tokimasa writes: "I was recently asked to assist in the programming aspect of a website (PHP, Perl, SQL, and the like) while someone else works on the design of the site. However, I'm not sure if a full-blown CMS is required or if writing simple scripts would be of more use. How can I determine if a CMS is necessary, and if it is, how should I go about choosing a CMS to use?"

Submission + - First 'habitable' alternative to Earth found

ceros writes: European astronomers yesterday reported the discovery of a habitable planet located nearby in the constellation Libra. The so-called "super-Earth" is the smallest of the 229 planets found beyond our solar system. Moreover, it orbits within the "Goldilocks Zone" where temperatures are "just right" for water — and thus life — to exist.

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Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
