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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 13 declined, 0 accepted (13 total, 0.00% accepted)

Sun Microsystems

Submission + - Sun refines Niagara, announces Niagara II

GuyverDH writes: Now with twice the execution threads per core, going from 32 to 64 virtual CPUS per physical chip on an 8 core, enough raw encryption power to feed 2 10G connections at wire speed, heavy floating point improvements, increases in integer math, it sure seems as though SUN is serious about the Niagara line.
Background info: echnolgies-niagara-ii-the-hydra-returns.html
News release: (click the graphic image to see the pdf, or click the link below this link) 6964
PDF Document with more details: _09_ppt_master.pdf

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An Ada exception is when a routine gets in trouble and says 'Beam me up, Scotty'.
