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Comment Self-signed (Score 5, Insightful) 324

Okay, but if you're going to do that, you might want to throw out all the incredibly dire warnings about self-signed certificates. Nobody should be forced to pay a cartel for SSL certificates.

Instead, throw out the dire warnings when the self-signed certificates aren't correct, such as when it changes.

Comment Btrfs? (Score 2) 442

Will Btrfs work well on this version? It says that the kernel is 3.16.7, and the newest kernel is 4 versions ahead, and the Btrfs wiki claims that it's best to use the newest kernel possible.

Comment mcedit (Score 1) 119

I still use Midnight Comannder's editor (mcedit) whenever I need to edit text in a Linux terminal. I find it a lot more user-friendly than any other terminal-mode text editor.

Vi is downright arcane. You need to hit i before you can type, and you need to hit Escape :wq to save and quit. Fortunately, it's not as bad as classic vi, where arrow keys don't exist, and you need to use ESC then hjkl, and backspace keys don't exist either, and you need to use ESC x.
Meanwhile, in mcedit land, you just hit F9, which is clearly labelled as "pull down", and menus appear. You can see what your options are, and carry out commands. This is why GUIs are awesome, it shows you the possibilities.

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