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Comment Re:so why not set up shop elsewhere? (Score 1) 293

This can be fixed by requiring insurance in dangerous fields. Then insurance companies have the incentive to encourage corps to improve safety (will lead to lower premiums). Workers compensation is actually an insurance, but it's not run correctly. It doesn't really have a logical risk-to-premium and instead relies on historical results.

Many public works require bonded contractors, which also avoids the "bankruptcy solves everything" problem.

Comment Re:Uh ... What? (Score 1) 320

No one in the history of man has released open source without a license. That doesn't even make sense.

You're so upset to be binding people to conditions of a license, but have no problem binding them to the far more restrictive copyright law. Does this make sense to you?

I think you probably should stop using the term open source until you understand what it means.

Comment Re:Uh ... What? (Score 1) 320

If they want to redistribute your created work, then they are extremely vulnerable to your whims.

> If they want to use the whole thing, then fine.

Without a license to redistribute your work, it's copyright infringement.

There's no gift here, because publishing it isn't releasing any of your rights, except the right of first sale. You didn't give them a damned thing except legal liability. It sounds like you either have no understanding of copyright law or you intentionally have your head up your ass.

Comment Re:Market drives you to China. (Score 2) 514

You were mislead. Russian is a European language and can be learned with effort. The different alphabet isn't a hindrance since it works in the same way. People like to exaggerate how difficult their own languages are to learn, but usually without much comparison.

Asian languages are measurably harder: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Difficulty_of_learning_languages#Native_English_speakers

Comment Re:This was required by law. Really. (Score 1) 768

Read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regressive_tax
Learning is better than going to school.

tl;dr;hate learning;
Regressive taxation has nothing to do with the effect it has on humans. It is entirely about percentages and there is no room judging what is fair or unfair. Regressive is not a value judgement.

Comment Re:This was required by law. Really. (Score 2) 768

Flat is flat. Regressive is regressive. The meaning of regressive taxation is that the percentage of income paid as taxes goes down as income raises.

Consumption based taxes are usually regressive. I would be curious to know if the US has a regressive or progressive tax policy after summing all taxes and involuntary contributions. I bet it is regressive, primarily due to capital gains and the use of tax shelters.

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