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Submission + - Coal Plants Could Be Adapted To Use Solar Power (technologyreview.com)

Al writes: "Technology Review reports that the electricity industry's Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is investigating the benefits of adding solar thermal power to new and existing coal plants. The idea is to feed steam generated using a huge array of mirrors and heat-collecting tubes into a coal plant's steam turbine. The approach should be more efficient than retrofitting natural-gas plants because these use a gas turbine to generate power. Fuel combustion displaced by solar collectors at gas plants could equal 2.75 million tons of over the plant's 30-year lifetime--the equivalent of removing more than 18,700 cars from the road each year. But the same solar collector field on a coal plant should displace about double that much CO2, according to early estimates."

Comment Re:That is, as the Brits say, bollocks (Score 5, Informative) 951

Allow me to acquaint you with Pete Stark (D-CA-13). He's been openly out as an atheist since January 2007. In addition to Stark, there are ten other current members of Congress who decline to list their religion, opening the possibility that some of them are, at least, closet atheists/agnostics.

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