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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 21 declined, 2 accepted (23 total, 8.70% accepted)


Submission + - Arctic ice coverage (

polar red writes: The BBC reports that the ice coverage of the North pole is at a record low, with the new record beating the old record with 23%. Scientists expect the North pole to be ice-free in summers in only 6 years.

Submission + - New IPCC report: rising chances of GW. (

polar red writes: The new IPCC report indicates higher chances of Humans causing GW than before. from 66%-90% in 2001 to >90% likely now, with temperatures rising between 1.8 and 4C, leading to 28-43cm higher sea levels by 2100, and more than 66% chance of impact on storm intensity. BBC news link

Submission + - Warm wind at the Nort-pole (

polar red writes: Since a few years, scientists find a new type of warm wind flowing to the north pole; it could seriously affect the ice-cap, and is seen as evidence of global warming(natural or man-made)

Submission + - Measurable climate change

polar red writes: While the new is being published, even after changes being made to the original text by world leaders, the final text concludes among other things that poor people will be hit hardest and that actual climate change is measured, it is no longer only from models that we learn that climate change is possible. stm

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