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Comment Re:I'm fedup with this (Score 1) 147

Not in my experience. Over the last 4 years my PC has run every version of Fedora and has /home on a pair of mirrored drives which I set up using anaconda on what I'm guessing was F11. I don't always upgrade as new versions are released but it is running F19 right now.
I grant that "not supported" is different from "it ain't gonna work" but for me at least; it worked.

Comment Re:Officer dickhead is a dickhead. (Score 1) 1440

Some of that is because the camber of the road (ok, some roads more than others) makes every start a minor hill-start. By applying the handbrake you should be preventing any chances of rolling into the kerb.

I was told to keep it in gear with my foot on the clutch. Now I only do that if I know the cycle time is quite short, otherwise it goes into neutral and the handbrake goes on. I don't impede traffic because I see when the other lights change and am back into first before my light goes green.

Another point is that I hate fecking bright brake lights in my eyes and I am courteous to those that might be stopped behind me.

Comment Re:Huh? What? (Score 1) 506

1563, hmmm would that mean you registered towards the end of day one or was it day two? I wondered whether there was any point in registering at all and so didn't get around to it until towards the end of day two. I think. It's been a while :-)

Comment Re:Remember the one hour equals three hours rule. (Score 1) 217

I can't say that any of my university classes were so dense that there was three hours of information packed into a single lecture. I'd say half of them were about 10 minutes of information packed into an hour-long lecture and obfuscated to make it seem like there was more content that there was.

It's not 3 hours of information. It's 3 hours of your life needed to pass an exam on whatever information was in that hour. So if it were 10 minutes of useful information then the second hour is finding and fully understanding that from within the first hour, if it wasn't obvious. Then nearer exam time another hour reminding yourself about it all and doing a few sample questions to get you ready.

As I put earlier it was only in my final year that I realised just how true this piece of first year (probably first week actually) advice was for my situation. It may well be different for different people studying different subjects but it was uncannily accurate for me.

Comment Remember the one hour equals three hours rule. (Score 5, Interesting) 217

I was told this when I started at university but it took me until my final year to truly grok it.

Each one hour lecture should take 3 hours of your time. One hour in the lecture itself, one hour within the next day or two (at most, ideally same day so things are fresher in your mind) when you annotate the notes you had taken, redraw bad diagrams, look stuff up etc. Don't hope or expect to get 'perfect' notes from the lecture itself. Then finally one hour before the exam to go over that hour of lecture time.

As others have said, pen and paper is king for that first hour in the lecture itself. Anything you try to do with technology should concentrate on the second hour.

Comment Re:Too Many Adverts? (Score 2) 443

Yep. I know people who would rather wait and watch the download without adverts than see it a day earlier on the channel they are paying good money for but with adverts. Most say that a single ad break mid way through the show is acceptable but the 4 or 5 (or more) breaks that you typically get make the shows unwatchable.

Comment Right now it would be suspend/resume (Score 1) 591

The last few kernels have not resumed wireless networking when I wake my lappy up. Hopefully this is just a temporary thing as it used to work just fine.

Prior to a few weeks ago it would be display resolution, glossy screens, noisy fans, mechanically vulnerable power inputs and battery life that I would change first.

Comment I'm sure lie detector would be tempting but... (Score 1) 456

As others have mentioned, it brings up so many issues.

I would like a greater dynamic range to my existing senses. I'd like to be able to not walk into things at night and also not need sunglasses during the day. I'd like to go to concerts and not need earplugs but also be able to hear the proverbial pin drop (obviously not at the same time).
Oooh and polarisation might be a handy vision upgrade.

Comment Expand TCP port numbers (Score 1, Offtopic) 165

In jest I once remarked that we should keep IPv4 but rejig TCP to support 128 bits of port numbering (or maybe even more). Each client could have a (formerly) full 16bit range of ports and we could support a bajillion devices and do modulo 2^16 math to 'map' to the ports you're familiar with.

People called me evil.

May I repeat that this was in jest.

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