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Comment Too many revisions chased me away (Score -1, Redundant) 220

They kept updating it and changing things around in very small ways which seemed to break my add-ons and browsing methods on a regular basis. Like adding the awesomebar, taking it out, breaking the addon I had to replace it and probably putting it back in again by now...

  I know updates are generally considered a good thing, but Mozilla chased me away with theirs. I just wanted my browser and daily routine to work every time I started it up without having to worry about whether or not they updated it.

Comment Re:4D? (Score 1) 117

And I'll be impressed when medical projections get 3d models and not a 2d representation of a "4d" model.

See where I'm going with this? Just because the data exists doesn't make it unique.

Comment Re:I still can't tell the difference betwen DX9 an (Score 1) 553

Rendering technology is waiting for the next generation of consoles. Devs are scared of doing pc-exclusive "super-graphics" because it will be PC-only and that market is mired in doubt of piracy and confusing sales numbers thanks to the myriad of digital options which aren't listed in the regular sales numbers.

Nothing radical will happen in the near-future apart from input methods such as Oculus Rift.

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