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Comment Re:Not a surprise (Score 1) 324

Listen to what you are saying. A video games developer shouldn't think about whether or not their game is fun? And for the record, PC game developers DO spend a lot of time trying to ensure that the game is 'fun' between two PCs, hence the popularity of anti-cheating software. Shadowrun may be a case study of a bungled job, but there's no point in going to all the trouble of developing a game mode which no one will play because it sucks.

Comment Re:My favorite line from Futurama... (Score 1) 150

I love that line too, but the pedant in me is compelled to ruin it. Certainly a ship that was intended for deliveries to other planets would have been designed with the atmospheres of other planets in mind, which are potentially much more pressurized than that of Earth (consider for instance the high-gravity planet where Zapp broke the hover dolly with a load of pillows). Of course, Farnsworth is old and senile...

Comment 'highly advanced' lulz (Score 1) 582

My masochistic nature forced me to play all the way through that game despite it being insanely repetitive.

I have no idea what this guy is talking about when he says Elika has an advanced AI. She follows you around when you walk. Sometimes, she'll get out of your way if you backtrack. When you are doing acrobatics, she follows you step-for-step. Then, when you fall, there's a cutscene where she catches you. Also, when you reach certain points in the level, she has dialogue. That's it. I would be rather surprised if a Super NES lacked the computational power to move her around.


18 Android Phones, In 3 Flavors, By Year's End 152

Hugh Pickens writes "Andy Rubin, senior director for Mobile Platforms for Google, has announced that by the end of the year there will be 18 to 20 phones using the Android OS made by 8 or 9 different manufacturers. Google will offer three different versions of Android OS: a completely free and generic flavor with no pre-loaded Google applications; a slightly customized version that comes pre-loaded with Google apps like Gmail and Google Calendar; and a completely 'Google-fied' Android OS bearing all sorts of Google branding and integration with Google's services. Will Park reports that the expectation is that 12 to 14 of the upcoming Android phones will use the slightly-customized version of Google's Android OS requiring the manufacturer to agree to a distribution deal with Google that would allow the handsets to come pre-installed with Google-ware. The remaining 5 or 6 Android phones will come to market completely decked out with 'The Google Experience' and a Google logo on the phone. This third option provides risk and reward opportunities because the openness of the store could be a hit with consumers, but could also lead to poorly constructed or offensive applications that could give Google a taint. When it comes to apps, Rubin says: 'We want to abide by the law, but not rule with an open fist.'" Yes, it seems he really said "open fist," though he probably meant "iron fist."

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